Richard Sykes)表示,這種互調對企業很有利。

所以說,企業會不會達成良好的企業形象之後就會回復到以往的惡習?「我是一個樂觀主義者,而非犬儒之徒。」畢夏普博士說:「認為所有企業只會在有壓力的時候才有行動,並不是一個很準確的看法。商標對一個企業而言極為重要,而一個商標的價值是建立在企業形象上的。許多的公司和企業家都想要用它們良心、員工、社區、和股東都可接受的方法去賺錢。的確有些公司仍不斷傷害環境、漠視社會需要,但已經有越來越多的企業願意去做正確的事情了。」(全文完) |
Along the same lines, IUCN is working with Insight Investment, part of
the Halifax and Bank of Scotland group, to explore how such biodiversity
offsets might work, examining opportunities to minimize the
environmental footprint of companies while contributing to local
economic and social development. "We need better mechanisms to ensure
that economic activities are not detrimental to the environment," said
Dr. Bishop. "Mining and petroleum companies, utilities and agribusiness,
development banks and many others are all involved in projects that
negatively impact on habitat and sometimes also on local communities.
The question is whether companies should be granted access to certain
low-priority areas in return for landscape restoration and conservation
investments in high-priority conservation sites."
How can conservationists be sure that the companies they work with
aren’t merely seeking a greenwash? "It is complex," admits Dax Lovegrove,
company relations manager for WWF-UK, which was heavily criticized by
other conservation organizations in the 1990s when it accepted US$20
million from HSBC to fund a freshwater program.
"We work with business when it helps us in our work. If we are going
to take a cooperative approach with business then we have to be very
selective about who we show public support for. We have certain no-go
areas, such as tobacco and animal testing."
WWF operates a "due diligence" approach, which means that it works
with external consultants to assess the environmental performance of any
company it is considering getting involved with, and, says Lovegrove,
WWF reserves the right to criticize business partners when it sees fit.
"Companies that undertake Corporate Social Responsibility realize that
it is good for them. There is pressure pushing companies from their
stakeholders and consumers for more ethical products and policies."
Pressure can also come directly from company shareholders. Although
ethical investing goes back many decades, new instruments and metrics
are helping mainstream socially responsible investing.
Recent years have thus seen the emergence of non-financial rating
agencies and ethical stock market indices. Leading asset managers are
looking into the materiality of biodiversity. Banking institutions, more
generally, are also looking into the sustainability of their lending
Over 25 financial institutions have, for instance, adopted the
Equator Principles. Based on the World Bank group's policies and
procedures, these voluntary guidelines help evaluate and manage
environmental and social risks in project financing.
Companies see both short and long term benefits from working with
environmental organizations. For example, Shell has already exchanged
staff on work placements at senior level with IUCN. According to Dr.
Richard Sykes, Shell's group environmental adviser, this makes good
business sense.

Shell Solar manufacturing robots frame the laminate of cells at
Shell's factory in Camarillo, California. (Photo courtesy Shell Solar)
"We take our environmental commitment seriously because it
contributes towards our business objectives," he said. "Let's not beat
about the bush about why Shell is here. We are here to provide a good
return for our shareholders. And where is the world headed? Our latest
strategy tells us we are headed towards a carbon-constrained world.
Customers using cars and planes are demanding ever-cleaner products,
liquefied natural gas, low-sulphur fuels and renewables."
"In the short term we are going to grow oil and gas production
because it is still the cheapest and most available source of energy.
But after 2010 that sector is going to be suppressed."
No doubt many will read this article with an underlying scepticism
about Shell's intentions. After all, Shell makes no secret that, since
oil and gas are the cheapest and most available sources of energy,
production will increase by around 30 per cent over the next 10 years.
And the company, while promising not to conduct any operations in World
Heritage sites, hasn't yet agreed a similar policy with regard to
protected areas in IUCN categories one to four.
So, when a business gets good publicity will they simply revert to
the bad old ways? "I'm an optimist, not a cynic," said Dr. Bishop. "To
suppose that all companies only act when they are under pressure just
isn't accurate. Brands are enormously important to business and the
value of a brand depends on reputation. Many companies and entrepreneurs
want to make money in ways that is acceptable to their conscience, their
employees, the community around them and to their shareholders. While
there's no question that some companies out there continue to harm the
environment and neglect social needs, more and more of them want to do
the right thing." |