
bottom line)報告方式。
Socorro Manguiat)說:「但這項機制需要更嚴格的界定,才能確保它會發揮效用。這類投資計畫的規模通常並不大,相關的成本問題、草根階層參與等問題,也逐漸成為一項挑戰」

NEPC-Micon Limited與Omnion Power Engineering
(待續) |
Gross Domestic Product (GDP), a key measure of national accounting
systems which describes the market value of all goods and services
produced in an economy, is flawed in many ways. Major oil spills,
through cleanup, site remediation, and legal costs actually boost GDP,
while spiritual and other values of the environment go unaccounted. Some
countries, such as Norway, Canada and Sweden, have attempted to 'green'
their national income accounts but information on the economic impacts
of environmental damage or the economic benefits of conservation remains
very scarce.

Iisaak is an ecologically sensitive forest services
company built on traditional values and respect for the environment.
Iisaak operates exclusively within Clayoquot Sound, British Columbia.
(Photo by Cindy Hazenboom courtesy Conservation Economy)
"We don't have the data, so governments and companies can't compare
the true costs and benefits involved," said Dr. Bishop. "At the moment,
most governments make little effort to quantify and report on
environmental change in economic terms." New frameworks, however, such
as the Global Reporting Initiative, are helping companies – and some
non-profit organizations – shift from narrow financial to "triple bottom
line" reporting, which includes social and environmental as well as
economic impacts.
Environmental policies can also be undermined by trade rules
promulgated by the same countries through the World Trade Organization (WTO).
Some argue that all too often, trade takes precedence over environmental
In the early 1990s, for example, some European governments considered
banning imports of timber from tropical forests, based on concerns about
the link between logging and deforestation. The proposals were dropped
as they would have been illegal under WTO rules.
Similarly, recent concerns in Europe about the spread of genetically
modified organisms have come up against WTO rules on the free movement
of goods. Conflict between WTO rules on intellectual property and the
international commitment to equitable sharing of the benefits of genetic
resources under the Convention on Biological Diversity ratified by over
180 countries is yet another unresolved issue.
"Existing trade rules are ambiguous when it comes to whether
countries can discriminate in favour of sustainably produced goods and
services," said Dr. Bishop. "This is an issue that has not really been
resolved. Many consumers want to make decisions on this basis, but the
existing trade rules often seem to rule out such distinctions."
Another example of using markets to achieve environmental aims is the
Clean Development Mechanism (CDM). The CDM is designed to make it less
costly - and thus politically more acceptable - for industrialized
countries to meet their obligations under the Kyoto Protocol to reduce
greenhouse gas emissions.
The idea is simple: an industrialized country may invest in a wind
power project in a developing country, for example, thus supplying
electricity that would otherwise have been produced by burning coal. The
industrialized country investing in the project can then claim credit
for the greenhouse gas emissions that have been avoided, and use these
credits to meet its own national target.
However, there is still work to be done on perfecting the CDM. "The
CDM has given an important push to certain types of projects, such as
reforestation and renewable resources," said Maria Socorro Manguiat,
legal officer for the Bonn based IUCN Environmental Law Centre. "But CDM
requires stringency to ensure that it works. That involves costs and at
grass-roots level that becomes more of a challenge because of the small
size of the projects."

NEPC-Micon Limited/Omnion Power Engineering Corporation
is installing a ground mounted 100 kilowatt photovoltaic system, at a
NEPC-Micon wind farm south of Coimbatore, India. (Photo courtesy Applied
Power Corporation/NREL)
In addition to carbon, IUCN is investigating many other opportunities
to develop market-based incentives for ecosystem services. These can
generate new investment in conservation and encourage sustainable and
equitable use.
In parts of Brazil, for example, farmers pay bee-keepers to maintain
hives near their crops. Farmers recoup this additional cost thanks to
enhanced pollination.
In Costa Rica, one brewery pays farmers upstream to reduce their
fertilizer use and to retain trees along the river's edge to help with
filtration. The result? Better beer for the consumer, increased income
for the farmer and reduced environmental impacts.
On an international scale, such incentives can be more challenging.
How do you compensate poor countries that depend on logging for the lost
opportunities of forest conservation? How can you compensate people
concerned about habitat loss for the impacts of mining? One possible
response is illustrated by a natural gas project in Indonesia, where
private investors have agreed to create a protected area and to fund
local environmental agencies as partial compensation for the unavoidable
impact of the project. |