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美國首見 離岸風力發展探勘租賃權


美國政府6月23日頒發了五個新澤西州和德拉威州外部大陸棚架設離岸風能生產探勘的租賃權。成為聯邦政府首次推出此類型的租賃計劃。內政部長沙拉薩(頭戴牛仔帽)在新聞發佈會中聆聽新澤西州州長科贊的談話。Tim Larsen 攝。

當天上午在大西洋城的新聞發布會中,內政部長沙拉薩(Ken Salazar)和新澤西州州長科贊(Jon Corzine)共同宣布,在離岸6到18英里處架設氣象塔台的租賃方案。這些安裝在塔台的儀器將收集特定地點的風速、強度、方向等資料。

沙拉薩部長將這些探勘租賃權分別發放給「新澤西藍水風能」(Bluewater Wind New Jersey Energy)公司,在新澤西和德拉威州的離岸,各架設一個氣象塔台;給「新澤西漁民能源」(Fishermen Energy of New Jersey)組織,架設一個氣象塔台;和給「深海風能」(Deepwater Wind),在新澤西州離岸架設兩個氣象塔台。

租賃期間所收集的數據,將與「美國礦產資源管理局」(Interior Minerals Management Service)共享,提供與加強未來商業性再生能源開發項目,如風力發電場所需資料,以協助沿海各州達到再生能源要求的標準。


「深海風能」的林那特(Jim Lennert)還表示,他公司負責的項目屆時將全盤雇用工會成員。他說:「歐洲地區有30個離岸的風能項目,但美國卻完全沒有。從此以後,我們將扭轉這個情勢。 目前我們有10個項目在開發中,但因為我們沒有製造能力,所以60%的投資將被歐洲企業所吸收。」州長科贊還表示,他預計截至2013年,幾個風能發電場將開始正式營運供電。

而在德拉威州,「戴爾瑪瓦」(Delmarva)電力公司與「藍水風能」公司,在2008年6月簽署了高達2百百萬瓦的購電協議。並且,州政府在同年隔月就批准該條約。根據德拉威大學的「環境足跡工作團體」(Environmental Footprint Workgroup)表示,該州的平均離岸風力具有生產高達5,286百萬瓦電力的潛力。足以提供120至150萬一般住戶的用電量。

歐巴馬總統和沙拉薩部長于今年4月22號世界地球日,宣布最終綜合外外部大陸棚再生能源發展框架, 並于同年6月29日即開始生效。


First Exploratory Leases Issued for Offshore Wind Development
ATLANTIC CITY, New Jersey, June 23, 2009 (ENS)

The federal government today issued five exploratory leases for wind energy production on the Outer Continental Shelf offshore of New Jersey and Delaware, the first leases of their kind ever issued by the federal government.

At a news conference this morning in Atlantic City, Secretary of the Interior Ken Salazar, joined by New Jersey Governor Jon Corzine, announced the leases that allow the construction of meteorological towers from six to 18 miles offshore. Instruments mounted on the towers will collect site-specific data on wind speed, intensity, and direction.

Secretary Salazar issued the exploratory leases to Bluewater Wind New Jersey Energy for two meteorological towers - one offshore New Jersey and one offshore Delaware; to Fishermen Energy of New Jersey for one tower; and to Deepwater Wind for two towers offshore New Jersey.

The data collected under these leases will be shared with Interior Minerals Management Service and used to inform and support future commercial renewable energy projects, such as wind turbine farms, to help coastal States meet mandated renewable energy portfolio standards.

New Jersey Outer Continental Shelf is a resource that holds a great promise for our energy independence and should be considered a haven for the clean, renewable and environmentally friendly energy that wind power provides," the governor said. "This is a major step for the state in meeting its goal of 1,000 megawatts by 2013 and 3,000 megawatts by 2020.?

Deepwater Wind's Jim Lennert also said his company's projects would be 100 percent staffed by union members. "There are 30 offshore wind projects operating in Europe but none in the United States. We're going to turn this around," he said. "There are 10 projects in development, but 60 percent of that investment will go to Europe because we don't have the manufacturing power." Governor Corzine said he expects that by 2013 several of the wind parks will come online and begin generating power.

In Delaware, Delmarva Power signed a power purchase agreement with Bluewater Wind for up to 200 megawatts in June 2008, and the pact was ratified by the state in July 2008. Delaware average offshore winds have the potential to produce 5,286 megawatts, which would power between 1.2 to 1.5 million average homes, according to the University of Delaware's Environmental Footprint Workgroup.

President Barack Obama and Secretary Salazar announced the final comprehensive framework for Outer Continental Shelf renewable energy development on Earth Day, April 22, and it becomes effective on June 29.

Salazar said today that he will soon announce a streamlining of federal regulations to make offshore wind development easier to accomplish.


蔡麗伶(LiLing Barricman)

In my healing journey and learning to attain the breath awareness, I become aware of the reality that all the creatures of the world are breathing the same breath. Take action, here and now. From my physical being to the every corner of this out of balance's planet.