依照歐盟「棲地指令」(Habitats directive),歐洲國家應實施保護措施,以確保歐洲水域內的鯨豚得以健康存活;然歐盟執委會表示,有八個歐盟國家並未建立起監督系統以監控這些保護措施。這八個國家分別是比利時、法國、希臘、義大利、荷蘭、葡萄牙、西班牙與英國,為促使其改善作為,執委會20日已對其提起法律行動。
Protective measures taken to ensure the health and survival of whales, dolphins and porpoises in European waters are not being adequately monitored by eight European Union countries, the European Commission says. To achieve better monitoring, the Commission today launched legal proceedings against the eight governments.
All cetacean species require strict protection under the EU's Habitats directive, or law. The Commission considers that Belgium, France, Greece, Italy, the Netherlands, Portugal, Spain and the UK have not established effective surveillance systems to monitor that protection.