北美環境官員用Google Earth追蹤污染物 | 環境資訊中心

北美環境官員用Google Earth追蹤污染物


加拿大、墨西哥及美國的高級環境官員於27日,共同宣布一項追蹤北美空氣污染的新合作計劃,即互動式Google Earth定位工具。

2007年「環境合作委員會」(Commission for Environmental Cooperation, CEC)的年度例行會議在墨西哥墨雷里雅市舉行,環境官員們此次的議題著重在公開3國空氣品質的資料,以及加強墨西哥對污染物監控和回報的能力。27日,3個國家推出由CEC開發的Google Earth定位工具,希望藉此提高民眾對空氣污染物資訊的掌握,民眾可由CEC網站登入。

此外,自即日起,加拿大將接任一年任期的CEC主席國位置。加拿大環境部長貝爾德(John Baird)表示,「我們都是亟欲為環境付出心力的夥伴」,「我們有著共同的使命,因為如此,我們更應該齊力保護北美洲的環境」。

North American Environment Officials Launch Air Pollutant Tracker
MORELIA, Michoacan, Mexico, June 27, 2007 (ENS)

The top environmental officials of Canada, Mexico and the United States today announced new collaborative environmental initiatives on tracking air pollution in North America. The three countries introduced an interactive Google Earth mapping tool.

The officials were gathered in Morelia, for the regular annual meeting of the Commission for Environmental Cooperation, CEC. The talks focused on harmonizing air quality data between the three countries and strengthening Mexico’s pollutant monitoring and reporting ability.

Today, the three countries launched an interactive Google Earth mapping tool developed by the CEC, which will expand public access to information on pollutants at: http://www.cec.org/naatlas/prtr.

Starting today, Canada will assume the chair of the CEC for one year. "We are all partners in caring for this continent," Environmental Protection Agency Administrator John Baird said. "We share a lot of responsibility. So, it is important that we work together to protect the North American environment."


蔡麗伶(LiLing Barricman)

In my healing journey and learning to attain the breath awareness, I become aware of the reality that all the creatures of the world are breathing the same breath. Take action, here and now. From my physical being to the every corner of this out of balance's planet.