美國總統歐巴馬(Barack Obama)3日提名共和黨新罕布夏州(New Hampshire)聯邦參議員格瑞格(Judd Gregg)遞補其內閣商務部部長(Commerce Secretary)的職缺。如果參議院通過此任命案,格瑞格將成為加入歐巴馬內閣的第3位共和黨員,其他2位分別是運輸部部長(Transportation Secretary)拉胡得(Ray LaHood)及國防部長(Defense Secretary)蓋茲(Robert Gates)。
歐巴馬稱他這位參議院老同事為「協調不同觀點的大師(master of reaching across the aisle)」,並盛讚他有「嚴格的財務學養」。然而,儘管商務部主管國家海洋暨大氣總署(National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration,NOAA),歐巴馬卻沒有提到他這次所做的選擇對環境能有什麼保證。
美國國家海洋暨大氣總署具有許多環境上的功能,他的管轄機關包括國家環境衛星數據資訊局(National Environmental Satellite, Data, and Information Service)、國家海洋漁業局(the National Marine Fisheries Service)、國家海洋局(the National Ocean Service)、國家氣象局(the National Weather Service)、海洋與大氣研究辦公室(the Office of Oceanic and Atmospheric Research)。
格瑞格曾在1980-1988擔任眾議員,1989-1993擔任新罕布夏州州長,並從1993年起就擔任參議員,目前是參議院預算委員會(Senate Budget Committee)的資深委員。
保育選民聯盟(League of Conservation Voters,LCV)2008年對國會進行計分卡(Scorecard)計分活動,結果格瑞格在有益環境的項目裡僅獲得9%的票數,而他從1993年起至2008年止的總LCV分數為44%。
非營利的共和黨員環境保護組織(Republicans for Environmental Protection,REP)指出,格瑞格因在2007預算年度的預算決議案(budget resolution)中,支持利用國會預算審核流程來促成在北極國家野生保護區進行石油鑽探,而有「環境傷害過失(environmental harm demerit)」。
格瑞格投票反對資助土地與水保育基金(Land and Water Conservation Fund)的環境行動,並且沒有投票資助保育公有土地及野生動物、海洋、海岸、水資源及農地的相關計畫。
但是,共和黨員環境保護組織也稱許格瑞格協助保全S.4001號新英格蘭野地法案(New England Wilderness Act)。這個法案是設計來將新罕布夏州將近35,000英畝及佛蒙特州42,000英畝的森林、山區及溪流以野地狀態保存。
President Barack Obama today named U.S. Senator Judd Gregg of New Hampshire, a Republican, to fill the slot of Commerce Secretary in his cabinet.
If confirmed by the Senate, Gregg will join Transportation Secretary Ray LaHood and Defense Secretary Robert Gates for a total of three Republicans in the Obama Cabinet.
The President called his former Senate colleague a "master of reaching across the aisle" and complimented his "strict fiscal discipline." But Obama mentioned no environmental credentials for his choice, although the Department of Commerce governs the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, NOAA.
NOAA has many environmental functions including the National Environmental Satellite, Data, and Information Service; the National Marine Fisheries Service; the National Ocean Service; the National Weather Service; and the Office of Oceanic and Atmospheric Research.
"The Commerce Department has a broad and interesting portfolio," Senator Gregg said today, "but its primary goal must be to create jobs by promoting industry, promoting economic activity, and promoting excellence in science. And I intend to pursue those avenues aggressively."
A former congressman from 1980-1988, and a governor of New Hampshire from 1989-1993, Gregg has been serving in the Senate since 1993, and is currently ranking member of the Senate Budget Committee.
In the Senate, Gregg has a record of supporting commercial exploitation of resources, including offshore drilling, over environmental protection, although he has voted for some conservation measures.
The League of Conservation Voters' Scorecard for the 2008 session of Congress scored Gregg at just nine percent for pro-environmental votes. His total LCV score since 1993 is 44 percent.
Republicans for Environmental Protection, a nonprofit group, issued Gregg an "environmental harm demerit" for sponsoring a Fiscal Year 2007 budget resolution that used the congressional budget process to force oil drilling in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge.
On March 16, 2006 the Senate passed the resolution by a 51-49 vote. In the House, pro-conservation Republicans stood with Democrats to ensure that Arctic drilling was not included in the House budget resolution. The two bills were never reconciled in conference, so the Arctic refuge remains protected.
REP said drilling in the refuge "would perpetuate America’s dangerous oil dependence and damage the most scenic, wildlife-rich reserve in the circumpolar north."
He has voted against environmental funding for the Land and Water Conservation Fund and did not vote to fund programs for conserving public lands and wildlife, oceans, coasts, water and farmland.
On the other hand, REP praised Gregg for helping secure passage of S. 4001, the New England Wilderness Act, which designated as wilderness nearly 35,000 acres of forests, mountains, and streams in New Hampshire and 42,000 acres in Vermont.