玻利維亞4月20日慶祝世界地球日,在政治中心舉行了一場慶典。在一項傳統儀式上,國家當局發表演說讚揚《地球母親法》( Law of Mother Earth ),世界上第一個由國家立法,賦予自然界和人類相同的權利。
總統莫拉萊斯(Evo Morales)是玻利維亞首位原住民領袖,在政治人物以及非政府組織的共同支持下推動了地球母親法案。此項法案預期將會在執政黨為多數的國會順利通過。
玻利維亞外交部長喬克萬卡(David Choquehuanca)在慶典上告訴群眾,「在玻利維亞,我們尋求回到平衡,那是一種無論是人與人之間或是人類與自然之間的和諧生活。而今日我們必須反思與提高關懷地球的意識,並且採取即時的措施讓地球回到昔時的自然平衡。」
受到玻利維亞的啟發,聯合國大會在2009年宣布4月22日為國際地球母親日(International Mother Earth Day),宣示要為了現代與後世子孫,求取經濟、社會和環境間的平衡。
- 維持生命完整性和自然進程之權利
- 細胞結構或是基因不受到改造之權利
- 進行重要循環與進程而不受人類改變之權利
- 獲得純淨水資源之權利
- 獲得乾淨空氣之權利
- 處於平衡狀態之權利
- 免於毒性物質與輻射污染之權利
- 不受大型基礎建設或開發案而破壞當地生態環境與棲地族群之權利
Bolivia today marked the International Day of Mother Earth with a ceremony in the Plaza Murillo, the center of political power. An ancient ritual shared center stage with speeches in which authorities in this Andean nation extolled the Law of Mother Earth - the world's first legislation that grants to all nature rights equal to humans.
President Evo Morales, the first indigenous leader of Bolivia, is the architect of the Law of Mother Earth. Supported by politicians as well as nongovernmental organizations, the law is expected to easily pass the National Congress where Morales' ruling party.
Foreign Minister David Choquehuanca told the crowd, "In Bolivia we seek a return to balance, a harmonious life not only between individuals but between man and nature, so today must be a day of reflection of awareness of all to care for our Mother Earth and take timely means for our mother back to its natural balance."
The first article of the Law of Mother Earth says that every human activity has to "achieve dynamic balance with the cycles and processes inherent in Mother Earth."
Inspired by Bolivia, in 2009, the UN General Assembly proclaimed April 22 as International Mother Earth Day, expressing its conviction that, to achieve a just balance among the economic, social and environmental needs of present and future generations.
In October 2009, the General Assembly named President Morales "World Hero of Mother Earth."
The Morales Government intends to establish a Ministry of Mother Earth to implement the Law of Mother Earth, which will establish new rights for nature, including:
- the right to maintain the integrity of life and natural processes
- the right to not have cellular structure modified or genetically altered
- the right to continue vital cycles and processes free from human alteration
- the right to pure water
- the right to clean air
- the right to balance, to be at equilibrium
- the right to be free of toxic and radioactive pollution
- the right to not be affected by mega-infrastructure and development projects that affect the balance of ecosystems and the local inhabitant communities
The law promotes "harmony" and "peace" and "the elimination of all nuclear, chemical, biological" weapons.