歐洲七國攜手保護原始森林 | 環境資訊中心



喀爾巴阡山脈成熟森林一隅。圖片來自:喀爾巴阡公約組織。歐洲七個國家於5月27日在布拉迪斯拉瓦(Bratislava)簽訂了一項協議,旨在保護位於喀爾巴阡山脈(Carpathian Mountains)的原始森林。

該項協議由《喀爾巴阡公約》所有締約國部長們共同簽訂,以《永續森林管理議定》(Protocol on Sustainable Forest Management)的形式達成。這些國家包括:捷克共和國,匈牙利,波蘭,羅馬尼亞,塞爾維亞,斯洛伐克和烏克蘭。喀爾巴阡山脈是由七個中歐與東歐國家所有,其中有四個是歐盟的成員國。


WWF多瑙河-喀爾巴阡計畫主任貝克曼(Andreas Beckmann)說:「在國際森林年之際,喀爾巴阡七國政府達成了協議,要保育與維護歐洲所剩最大的森林資產,包括亟需保護,俄羅斯境外歐陸最大的自然原始林區。」










Seven Nations Safeguard Carpathian Old Growth Forests
BRATISLAVA, Slovakia, May 28, 2011 (ENS)

The old growth and virgin forests of the Carpathian Mountains will be protected by seven countries under an agreement signed Friday in Bratislava.

The commitment comes in the form of a Protocol on Sustainable Forest Management, signed by ministers of all the Carpathian Convention countries - the Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland, Romania, Serbia, Slovakia and Ukraine. The Carpathians are shared by these seven Central and Eastern European Countries, four of which are members of the European Union.

The ministers were gathered in Bratislava for the 3rd Conference of the Parties to the Framework Convention on the Protection and Sustainable Development of the Carpathians, known as the Carpathian Convention.

"In the International Year of the Forest, the governments of the seven Carpathian countries have committed themselves to protecting and preserving Europe's greatest remaining forest treasures, including the continent's largest remaining areas of natural and virgin forests outside of Russia, which are in urgent need of protection," said Andreas Beckmann, director of the WWF Danube-Carpathian Programme.

The Protocol aims to maintain or enlarge forest cover as well as improve protective forest functions such as preventing floods and landslides, water cycle regulation as well as carbon sequestration.

Some 300,000 hectares (1,160 square miles) of old growth or primeval forest are thought to exist in the Carpathian Mountains, a small remnant of the vast forests that once covered Europe.

This total includes areas in the southern Carpathian mountains of Romania that make up Europe's greatest unfragmented forest area.

But much of this area is vulnerable to logging. Only 18 percent of the 250,000 hectares of Romanian old growth forests are inside protected areas.

Also included are over 10,000 hectares (40 square miles) of beech forests in eastern Slovakia and western Ukraine that are inscribed on the UNESCO World Heritage List.

"The Forestry Protocol under the Carpathian Convention joins a growing number of legislative tools and political commitments, including new EU legislation on illegal logging, as well as the EU Habitats and Birds Directives, for addressing the loss of these forest treasures," Beckmann said.

The new legislation requires EU member states to take specific measures to address illegal logging, which has been a major problem in the Carpathian region.

An online timber tracking tool developed by the Romanian Forest Agency, Romsilva, can support implementation of the Forestry Protocol and EU legislation and Beckmann says it provides a good example for other countries.

The Carpathian Mountains are an important reservoir for biodiversity, and are Europe's last refuge for large mammals - brown bear, wolf, and lynx. The mountain forests are inhabited by European bison, moose, wildcat, chamois, golden eagle, eagle owl, black grouse, and many unique insect species.


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蔡麗伶(LiLing Barricman)

In my healing journey and learning to attain the breath awareness, I become aware of the reality that all the creatures of the world are breathing the same breath. Take action, here and now. From my physical being to the every corner of this out of balance's planet.