為野牛請願:停止濫殺黃石公園的野牛群 | 環境資訊中心



為防止可能傳播布氏桿菌,黃石公園內野牛已被捕殺將近三分之一。圖片來源:Buffalo Field Campaign美洲野牛保育和環境團體在4月10日對美國內政部發出聯合緊急請願書,為黃石公園附近的野生美洲野牛請命,停止撲殺行動。從2007年秋天開始,聯邦政府和州政府以疾病管制之名展開捕殺,園內野牛已被捕殺將近1/3,儘管只有少數相關人士認同這份管理計畫。



請願書主筆、野生動物學家舒伯特(D.J. Schubert)表示:「這份請願書警示當局,空前的大規模撲殺野牛已然危害牠們的長期生存力。」



黃石公園內的野牛家族。圖片來源:Buffalo Field Campaign布氏桿菌會造成死產和流產,倘若殃及迄今零病例的蒙大拿州,恐將造成數億美元的損失。但政府在管理上卻出現雙重標準:同樣可能成為傳播媒介的麋鹿,數量遠超過美洲野牛,卻被允許在園界外覓食牧移。

「任何辦法都比無知的屠殺好!」自然資源保護委員會(NRDC)的資深野生動物保育人士威考克斯(Wilcox)說:「我想每個人都認知到這個政策需要改變,但牲口和產權的相同爭議總是缺乏公共辯論的空間,馬丘(Horse Butte,黃石公園內野牛的傳統放牧和繁殖區)也不曾獲得這些討論空間。因此,這份陳情不僅提供野牛一個喘息的機會,也讓聯邦和州政府單位得以深思社區團體和政府責任署所提出的批評。」

Emergency Petition Urges End to Yellowstone Bison Killing
WASHINGTON, DC, April 11, 2008 (ENS)

Bison advocates and environmental groups filed an emergency petition Thursday with the U.S. Interior Department urging the agency to stop the slaughter of wild bison migrating out of the Yellowstone National Park. Nearly a third of the Yellowstone bison herd has been killed by state and federal authorities since last fall under a controversial livestock disease management plan that few stakeholders believe is working.

The petition, filed by more than a dozen environmental groups and bison advocates, calls on the Interior Department to suspend enforcement of the Interagency Bison Management Plan, agreed to in 2000 by federal and state officials.

The plan permits the capture and slaughter of bison that roam outside of the park due to the potential that the animals could transmit the abortive disease brucellosis to cattle.

The National Park Service estimated the bison population in the park was some 4,700, a figure that is now closer to 3,100. In the past six months, federal and state officials have captured and slaughtered at least 1,341 bison that have roamed beyond park boundaries in search of food.

"The petition raises a red flag that unprecedented, large scale slaughtering of wild bison is jeopardizing their long term survival," said Schubert, lead author of the petition.

The petition comes in the wake of additional evidence that the Yellowstone bison plan is stumbling. A report released last month by the Government Accountability Office, GAO, criticized the failure to expand areas outside the park where the bison can safely roam. It noted that decisionmaking by federal and state officials lacks accountability and transparency and "more often resembles trial and error than adaptive management."

There is dispute over the threat posed to cattle by brucellosis-infected bison - there has never been a documented case of transmission by wild bison to cattle.

There appears little risk of bison and cattle intermingling in any case, as fewer than 2,000 cattle graze on the winter grounds outside the park where the bison typically migrate.

The presence of the disease, which can cause stillbirth and spontaneous abortion, could put at risk the Montana's brucellosis-free status, potentially costing the state hundreds of millions of dollars.

But there appears to be a double standard at play. Elk, which can carry the disease, far outnumber bison and are permitted to range beyond the park.

"There is a way out of this senseless slaughter," said Louisa Willcox, senior wildlife advocate for the National Resources Defense Council. "I think everyone recognizes that a change is needed here - but the same issues of conflict with cattle and property rights issues always short circuit public debate. Those issues do not apply at Horse Butte. This proposal gives the buffalo a chance to recover while the state and federal authorities get time to look at the criticism from community groups and the GAO report."



蔡麗伶(LiLing Barricman)

In my healing journey and learning to attain the breath awareness, I become aware of the reality that all the creatures of the world are breathing the same breath. Take action, here and now. From my physical being to the every corner of this out of balance's planet.