大西洋暖流湧入 北極海冰逐漸溶化 | 環境資訊中心

大西洋暖流湧入 北極海冰逐漸溶化


北極海冰(圖片來源:Arctic Coring Expedition)據國際極地研究中心(IARC)科學家指出,源起北大西洋的洶湧暖流正注入北極海,並且將可能加速北極海冰的溶化。研究人員26日表示,湧入的暖流逐漸朝向阿拉斯加與加拿大盆地持續擴展。

Warm Water Surging into Arctic Ocean
FAIRBANK, Alaska, September 27, 2006 (ENS)
Surges of warm water from the North Atlantic Ocean are flowing into the Arctic Ocean and could accelerate the melting of Arctic sea ice, according to scientists at the International Arctic Research Center. The influx of warmer water is increasing, the researchers said Tuesday, and is moving toward Alaska and the Canadian Basin.