【COP21連線】各大證交所執行長:支持永續資本市場 | 環境資訊中心




全球最大氣候商業聯盟氣候關懷(C4C)商業論壇。圖片來源:COP PARIS。

全球最大氣候商業聯盟氣候關懷(C4C)商業論壇。圖片來源:COP PARIS。

全球證交所長齊聚巴黎 支持永續資本市場


同時,國際開發金融俱樂部(International Development Finance Club,IDFC)發表第四年年度綠色金融比對報告。報告中指出,IDFC提供全球以及COP21大會980億美元的新綠色金融承諾。


包括泛歐交易所在內的11個證券交易所,承諾支持永續資本市場和氣候議程,並組成聯合國永續證券交易所(Sustainable Stock Exchanges,SSE)組織。SSE目前有來自五大洲47間證券交易所,前五大證券交易所中囊括四間。

聲援碳市場 全球執行長同意定內部碳價

除此之外,全球最大氣候商業聯盟「氣候關懷(C4C)」商業論壇8日聚集了超過700位商業、金融、政府、公民社會和聯合國代表,探討私人組織在全球氣候議程的角色。聯合國全球盟約組織(Global Compact)、環境規劃署(UNEP)和氣候框架公約組織(UNFCCC)祕書處皆到場參與。

全球盟約組織執行董事Lise Kingo指出:「COP21的新目標如果達成,一年將省下9360萬公噸二氧化碳當量的排放量,超過祕魯一年的碳排放量。」

C4C論壇上,來自20個產業、資本額達1.9兆的近65位執行長將碳價納入組織的長期策略和投資決策。他們承諾設定內部碳價並公開報告,且透過碳價商業領導力標準(Business Leadership Criteria on Carbon Pricing)聲援碳市場。


Business Climate Changes Show ‘Unstoppable Momentum’
PARIS, France, December 8, 2015 (ENS)

An unprecedented coalition of the world’s major financial institutions met on the sidelines of the United Nations COP21 climate talks in Paris Monday and agreed to adopt five Principles to Mainstream Climate Action.

With more than US$11 trillion, 26 public and private financial institutions, from both developing and developed countries, voluntarily adopted these principles to combat climate change.

The Principles outline how financial institutions can: commit to climate strategies, manage climate risks, promote climate-smart objectives, improve climate performance, and account for climate action.

Separately, the International Development Finance Club, IDFC, a group of 23 international, national and subregional development banks from across the world has cooperatively published their annual green finance mapping report for the fourth year.

The report shows that IDFC gave US$98 billion of new green finance commitments to the world’s fight against climate change and toward COP21 in Paris. www.idfc.org

Stock exchange chief executives also came together in Paris to discuss how stock exchanges, investors and regulators can support the global climate agenda.

Euronext is one of 11 stock exchanges that showed their commitment to sustainable capital markets, and their support for the evolving climate agenda, by becoming a United Nations Sustainable Stock Exchanges (SSE) Partner Exchange.

The SSE initiative now has participation from some 47 stock exchanges on five continents, including four out of the top five largest exchanges in the world.

Unprecedented corporate engagement on key climate issues that include carbon pricing were announced Tuesday at the Caring for Climate (C4C) Business Forum, a parallel event timed to coincide with COP21.

The UN Global Compact, UN Environment Programme and the secretariat of UN Framework Convention on Climate Change, UNFCCC, came together under the banner of Caring for Climate – the world’s largest business coalition for climate change.

More than 700 participants from business, finance, government, civil society and the United Nations gathered to discuss the private sector’s role in the world’s new climate agenda.

Lise Kingo, executive director of the UN Global Compact said, “The new targets announced at COP21, if achieved, will generate an estimated annual emissions savings of 93.6 million metric tons CO2e or more than the annual carbon emissions of Peru.”

Many new pledges emerged from the Caring for Climate event. Some 65 CEOs with a total market capitalization of US$1.9 trillion across 20 sectors have integrated carbon pricing into corporate long-term strategies and investment decisions. They pledged to set an internal carbon price, report publicly, and call for carbon markets through the Business Leadership Criteria on Carbon Pricing.

Over 450 CEOs from 65 countries across 30 sectors committed to set targets, report on progress and work with policymakers to drive climate action through the Caring for Climate initiative;

There were the 79 chief executives, representing US$2.13 trillion in revenue who announced that their companies would reduce their environmental and carbon footprints, set targets to reduce their emissions, and collaborate with supply chains and across sectors.

In addition, 140 companies with a total market capitalization of over US$100 billion and nearly 30 institutional investment firms with assets estimated at US$2.5 trillion committed to including climate change-related information in their mainstream reports.

※ 全文及圖片詳見:ENS


蔡麗伶(LiLing Barricman)

In my healing journey and learning to attain the breath awareness, I become aware of the reality that all the creatures of the world are breathing the same breath. Take action, here and now. From my physical being to the every corner of this out of balance's planet.


