世界屋脊上的冰河面臨危機 | 環境資訊中心





聯合國環境規劃署(UNEP)執行長托佛(Klaus Toepfer)表示︰「山區環境具有特別重要的地位,但又特別脆弱。」托佛接著說:「它們是全世界的『水塔』,通常是獨特的野生生物棲息的家園,同時也是在地居民獲取糧食、藥材等重要物資的來源。不過在以往,因為山區地處偏遠,人們常常運用、開發山區資源的方式常未加以控制;不過藉由現代的工程方法,這樣的情況將會改觀。」





Glaciers on the Roof of the World at Risk
BANGKOK, Thailand, September 6, 2005 (ENS)

The mountains of Asia, including the towering Himalayas, are facing accelerating threats from a rapid rise in roads, settlements, overgrazing and deforestation, experts are warning in a new report.

New calculations by experts with the Chinese Academy of Sciences indicate that China’s highland glaciers are shrinking by an amount equivalent to all the water in the giant Yellow River each year.

There is concern that the region’s water supplies, fed by glaciers and the monsoons and vital for around half the world’s population, may be harmed alongside the area’s abundant and rich wildlife.

"Mountain areas are especially important and particularly vulnerable," said Klaus Toepfer, executive director of the UN Environment Programme (UNEP). "These are the water towers of the world and often home to unique wildlife species upon which local people depend for food, medicines and other important materials. They have often been saved from uncontrolled development by their remoteness. But modern engineering methods mean this is no longer the case," he said.

The report is being released in advance of the 2005 World Summit in New York taking place in mid-September. There, heads of state will assess the status of implementation of the Millennium Development Goals, including the target of reducing by half the proportion of people without sustainable access to safe drinking water.

The new report points to a critical gap in the security of the water to billions of people in Asia and the crucial role of sound environmental management for sustainable development. It claims that unchecked and piecemeal development are likely to increase rates of forest loss triggering increased levels of erosion, pollution and other potentially harmful effects. Conversion of pristine areas into farm and grazing land is aggravating the situation.

The researchers said some countries, including China and Nepal, are now acting to develop parks and protected areas aimed at conserving the Asian region’s water supplies and wildlife. But the scientists warn that far more effort is needed to extend protection across the region in lowland and mountain areas if the impacts are to be minimized.

"The Fall of Water: Emerging threats to the water resources and biodiversity at the roof of the world to Asia’s lowland from changes associated with large-scale settlement and piecemeal development" is available at: and and together with graphics and maps.