太陽進入活躍期 劇烈太陽風暴威脅升高 | 環境資訊中心

太陽進入活躍期 劇烈太陽風暴威脅升高




美國海洋與大氣總署(NOAA)的科學家表示,這個黑子3日出現在太陽的北半球。黑子是太陽表面具有強烈磁場活動集結的區域,NOAA太空天氣預測中心的太陽物理學家畢賽克(Douglas Biesecker)說:「就像知更鳥報春一樣,這顆黑子的出現是太陽風暴將在往後數年逐漸增多的早期預兆。」





NOAA署長勞滕巴赫爾(Conrad C. Lautenbacher)指出,「我們對複雜太空科技的依賴日漸加深,太空天氣對我們產生的影響也將因此更勝以往。」

New Sun Cycle Raises Risk of Disruptive Solar Storms
BOULDER, Colorado, January 7, 2008 (ENS)

Space weather forecasters have identified a new sunspot on the surface of the Sun as the first sign of a fresh cycle of increased solar activity that could affect power grids, critical military, civilian and airline communications, even cell phones and bank machine transactions on Earth.

The sunspot in the Sun's Northern Hemisphere appeared Thursday, NOAA scientists said. A sunspot is an area of highly organized magnetic activity on the surface of the Sun. "This sunspot is like the first robin of spring," said solar physicist Douglas Biesecker of NOAA's Space Weather Prediction Center in Boulder. "In this case, it's an early omen of solar storms that will gradually increase over the next few years."

The new 11 year cycle, called Solar Cycle 24, is expected to build gradually, with the number of sunspots and solar storms reaching a maximum by 2011 or 2012, though devastating solar storms can occur at any time.

The new sunspot, identified as #10,981, is the latest visible spot to appear since NOAA began numbering them on January 5, 1972. Its high-latitude location at 27 degrees North, and its negative polarity leading to the right in the Northern Hemisphere are clear-cut signs of a new solar cycle, according to NOAA experts.

During an active solar period, violent eruptions occur more often on the Sun. Solar flares and vast explosions, known as coronal mass ejections, shoot energetic photons and highly charged matter toward Earth, jolting the planet's ionosphere and geomagnetic field. This magnetically charged material may disrupt satellites, threaten astronauts with harmful radiation, and interfere with power grids, communications, and Global Positioning System, GPS, signals, on Earth.

Solar cycle intensity is measured in maximum number of sunspots - dark blotches on the sun that mark areas of heightened magnetic activity. The more sunspots there are, the more likely it is that major solar storms will occur.

"Our growing dependence on highly sophisticated, space-based technologies means we are far more vulnerable to space weather today than in the past," said NOAA administrator Conrad C. Lautenbacher, Jr.

