科學家TED大集合,催生線上生命百科全書 | 環境資訊中心



熱帶魚。圖片來源:EOL一個新的線上「生命百科全書(the Encyclopedia of Life)」的前3萬頁在26日科學家們聚首於加州蒙特利市年度「科技娛樂設計會議(TED, Technology, Entertainment and Design Conference)」時,首次公開亮相。而這個百科全書計畫是2007年在加州蒙特利市開始啟動的。


這個生命百科全書(EOL)的執行董事艾德沃司(Jim Edwards)表示:「一旦180萬頁資訊透過這個工具集合在一起,能夠參與這個科學和弦真是令人非常興奮的事!」。EOL的執行基地設在華盛頓特區的史密森納研究院(Smithsonian Institution)。


黃嘴琵鷺。圖片來源:EOL這項計畫的快速進展受到哈佛大學威爾森(Emeritus E.O. Wilson)教授的喝采。他的一篇2003年廣被閱讀的論文中即明確倡議,我們需要一個現代化、可隨時更新的生物多樣性描繪系統。

2005年他給麥克阿瑟基金會(John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation)的信,促成了啟動這個生命百科全書的1000萬美元種子經費,爾後史隆基金會(Alfred P. Sloan Foundation)很快地補注了尚缺的250萬美元。




一個創新網路設計公司(Avenue A | Razorfish)承接了這個挑戰,協助製作出一部獲獎影片,並設計出百科全書網頁的基本模式。



Scientists Give Birth to the Encyclopedia of Life
MONTEREY, California, February 26, 2008 (ENS)

The initial 30,000 pages of a new online Encyclopedia of Life were revealed today as scientists assemble for the Technology, Entertainment and Design Conference in Monterey, California, where the project was initiated last year.

Feedback on these first pages will shape the ultimate design and functionality of all 1.8 million pages of the encyclopedia, scheduled for completion by 2017. It will also help inform priorities for content development.

"It is exciting to anticipate the scientific chords we might hear once 1.8 million notes are brought together through this instrument," says Jim Edwards, executive director of the Encyclopedia of Life, EOL, based at the Smithsonian Institution in Washington, DC.

"Potential EOL users are professional and citizen scientists, teachers, students, media, environmental managers, families and artists," Dr. Edwards said. "The site will link the public and scientific community in a collaborative way that's without precedent in scale."

The rapid progress to date was congratulated by Harvard Professor Emeritus E.O. Wilson, who articulated the need for a dynamic modern portrait of biodiversity in a widely read essay in 2003.

His letter in 2005 to the John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation resulted in a $10 million seed grant to start the Encyclopedia of Life, soon complemented by a further $2.5 million from the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation.

"The launch of the Encyclopedia of Life will have a profound and creative effect in science," says Wilson, a zoologist who is world renowned for his work on ants.

"It aims not only to summarize all that we know of Earth's life forms, but also to accelerate the discovery of the vast array that remain unknown," he said. "This great effort promises to lay out new directions for research in every branch of biology."

The basic design of the Encyclopedia of Life species pages that debuted today originated with the Technology, Entertainment and Design, TED, Conference and Professor Wilson.

In March 2007 Wilson was one of the recipients of a TED prize for his work in documenting and understanding the world's biodiversity. In his acceptance speech, Wilson asked TED attendees to help him develop an encyclopedia of life.

Avenue A | Razorfish, an innovative web design firm, took up the challenge and helped to create an award winning video and the basic template for Encyclopedia of Life species pages.

Intended as a tool for scientists and policymakers and a resource for anyone interested in the living world, the Encyclopedia of Life is being developed by a unique collaboration between scientists and the general public.

Starting later this year, the public will be able to contribute text, videos, images, and other information about a species. The best of this information will be incorporated into the encyclopedia's authenticated pages.



蔡麗伶(LiLing Barricman)

In my healing journey and learning to attain the breath awareness, I become aware of the reality that all the creatures of the world are breathing the same breath. Take action, here and now. From my physical being to the every corner of this out of balance's planet.