OECD環境展望 預言2030環境衝擊 | 環境資訊中心

OECD環境展望 預言2030環境衝擊

摘譯自2008年3月6日 ENS挪威,奧斯陸報導;楊佳珊編譯;莫聞審校



日前在奧斯陸召開、由挪威首相史托騰柏格(Jens Stoltenberg)主辦的國際會議中,OECD秘書長葛利亞(Angel Gurria)發表該報告時說道,「環境問題必然有解決之道,且和未來產生的經濟效益,或是任其惡化而衍生的後果及成本比起,現在絕對是有方法、也有能力解決問題的。」

史托騰柏格表示,「『OECD環境展望』是一部令人印象深刻的作品;全文從對未來展望的描述中帶出立即採取行動的迫切性,將兩者互相結合。同時,也提出一些重要性原則,供決策者在制定決策時參考,並歸納整合了經濟與環境兩大議題的分析報告。」乾旱導致玉米枯萎。圖片來源:Fullerton College


1. 若未能提出新政策來解決環境問題,全球溫室氣體排放量在2030年將上升37%,2050年可能攀升至52%。
2. 2030年全球農耕地必須擴增約10 %,才能滿足食物與生質燃料與日劇增的需求。
3. 違背永續法則不當使用與管理水資源,及氣候變遷等因素將惡化缺水情況,於是,將有比今日多出10億的人口在2030年時,被迫生存於嚴重缺水的環境中。
4. 地面臭氧造成的夭折到2030年將增加4倍;此外,非OECD會員國中化學產品的使用量迅速增加,但目前資料仍不足以評估,化學物質對於環境及產品所可能造成的影響。
格陵蘭冰原上的融冰。圖片來源:NASA5. 公共建設與農業發展,及氣候變遷等因素,將有可能讓目前許多已知的動植物,面臨絕種的危機;經濟成長與人類福祉都仰賴於寶貴的生態系統的支撐,然而,生物多樣性持續消弭,無非限制了地球提供生態系統的支持效能。


OECD:Tackle Environmental Problems Now or Pay More Later
OSLO,Norway,March 6,2008(ENS)

Solving four major environmental problems - climate change, biodiversity loss, water scarcity, and the health impacts of pollution and toxics - is both achievable and affordable, finds a new report by the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development, OECD, which includes 30 countries committed to democracy and the market economy.

The 2008 OECD Environmental Outlook marries economic and environmental projections through 2030 and offers specific policies to address these challenges.

"Solutions to the key environmental challenges are available, achievable and affordable, especially when compared to the expected economic growth and the costs and consequences of inaction," OECD Secretary General Angel Gurria said at the worldwide launch of the report in Oslo, hosted by Norwegian Prime Minister Jens Stoltenberg.

"The Outlook is an impressive body of work. It combines hope for the future with an urgent call for action today. It offers important guidance for decision-makers and integrates economic and environmental analysis," said Prime Minister Stoltenberg.

Economic-environmental projections show that global greenhouse gas emissions are expected to grow by 37 percent to 2030 and by 52 percent to 2050 if no new policy action is introduced.
To meet increasing demands for food and biofuels, world agricultural land use will need to expand by an estimated 10 percent to 2030, the report projects.

Water scarcity will worsen due to unsustainable use and management of the resource as well as climate change until one billion more people will be living in areas of severe water stress by 2030 than today, the OECD warns.

Premature deaths caused by ground-level ozone worldwide would quadruple by 2030, and in addition the report says, chemical production volumes in non-OECD countries are rapidly increasing, and there is insufficient information to fully assess the risks of chemicals in the environment and in products.
A considerable number of today's known animal and plant species are likely to be extinct, largely due to expanding infrastructure and agriculture, as well as climate change, the report warns, saying, "Continued loss of biodiversity is likely to limit the Earth's capacity to provide the valuable ecosystem services that support economic growth and human well-being."

"Countries will need to shift the structure of their economies in order to move towards a low carbon, greener and more sustainable future. The costs of this restructuring are affordable, but the transition will need to be managed carefully to address social and competitiveness impacts, and to take advantage of new opportunities," said Secretary-General Gurría.
