100倍速的生物滅絕──全球領袖正在面對的真相 | 環境資訊中心



「世界生物多樣性高峰會」部長會議現場,圖片為德國總理梅克爾在開幕中致詞。圖片來源:ENB來自各國的代表及87位部長已加強承諾,未來2年內將會「實質減少」全球生物多樣性的喪失。另外,歐盟允諾將在 2010年之前停止生物多樣性喪失的情況繼續發生。

在生物多樣性公約秘書處(Secretariat of the Convention on Biological Diversity, CBD)於波昂召開的「世界生物多樣性高峰會」部長會議中,與會者得知目前物種正以空前的速度消失、人類侵占等警訊,以及各國表示將逆轉生物多樣性喪失的承諾。


「各國元首齊聚參與生物多樣性會議是從未有過的」,生物多樣性會議執行秘書朱格拉夫(Ahmed Djoghlaf)表示,「他們的參與強調了保護生物多樣性,並降低目前物種喪失問題的重要性、嚴重性與迫切性。」

與會的帛琉總統Tommy Esang Remengesau Jr.在會議中發言。圖片來源:ENB德國總理梅克爾(Angela Merkel)在開幕致詞中承諾,2013年之前德國將提供5億歐元致力於森林保育,而2013年後將改為每年投入5億歐元。據統計,溫室氣體釋放量的20%來自於森林砍伐,該比例甚至高過運輸工具及旅遊兩者相加的排放量,因此梅克爾表示,「我們深信這是非常好的投資。」另外,挪威也決議將在接下來3年,每年另外提供6億歐元於森林保育上。


World Leaders Commit to Conserve Diversity of Life on Earth
BONN, Germany, May 29, 2008 (ENS)

Heads of state and 87 ministers from around the world have reinforced their commitment to "substantially reduce" the global loss of biodiversity within two years. The European Commission is committed to stopping the loss of biodiversity in Europe by 2010.

Gathered at the ministerial segment of the World Biodiversity Summit in Bonn convened by the Secretariat of the Convention on Biological Diversity, CBD, participants heard expressions of alarm at the unprecedented loss of species to human encroachment and also heard pledges to reverse this decline.

Plant and animal species are becoming extinct at a rate 100 times the natural rate of extinction due to human activities that include pollution, habitat loss, increased consumption and climate change.

"The participation of heads of state at a biodiversity conference is unprecedented," said CBD Executive Secretary Dr. Ahmed Djoghlaf. "Their participation highlights the fact that world leaders are recognizing the importance, seriousness and urgency of conserving our biodiversity and reducing the rate that we are presently losing species."

The summit was opened by German Chancellor Angela Merkel. In her opening statement, Chancellor Merkel promised that Germany would provide 500 million euros through 2013 to protect forests, and 500 million euros a year after that.

Given that deforestation contributes 20 percent of global greenhouse gas emissions, more than transport and travel combined, Merkel said, "We are convinced that this is a very good investment."

This initiative complements a decision by Norway to provide 600 million euros a year for the following three years for forest conservation.

Chancellor Merkel also launched the Life Web initiative - a new way to provide financial and technical assistance to developing countries that are in a position to establish additional protected areas on land or at sea.

Under the Life Web initiative, Indonesia has announced it will declare 20 million hectares of its territory as marine protected areas.



蔡麗伶(LiLing Barricman)

In my healing journey and learning to attain the breath awareness, I become aware of the reality that all the creatures of the world are breathing the same breath. Take action, here and now. From my physical being to the every corner of this out of balance's planet.