500年罕見洪水 美國愛荷華州慘遭淹沒 | 環境資訊中心

500年罕見洪水 美國愛荷華州慘遭淹沒


美國愛荷華州遭遇500年罕見洪水。圖片來源:Iowa DOT美國愛荷華州參議員格拉斯利表示,幾乎1/3的愛荷華州已被洪水淹沒,而且水位還在持續升高當中,他極力爭取聯邦政府對愛荷華州提供財政援助。水位在該州各地持續升高,而美國總統也對此做出因應的指示。







美國愛荷華州市區成水鄉澤國。圖片來源:Amy Schmelzer在大雨衝擊愛荷華州的同時,自然資源部也要求家畜業者檢查肥料貯藏地,避免因水位升高導致肥料滲透到地下水中,造成水源污染。


500 Year Flood Submerges Iowa
DES MOINES, Iowa, June 16, 2008 (ENS)

"Nearly one third of Iowa is already under water and water levels continue to rise," said U.S. Senator Chuck Grassley of Iowa, urging federal financial assistance for his state. Waters are still rising in many parts of the state and the president responded.

On the state level, Governor Chet Culver has issued a disaster proclamation for 83 counties. The governor's proclamation activates Iowa's individual disaster assistance program, which helps people with low incomes.

Meanwhile, the flooding, evacuations and road closures continue across the state.

The National Weather Service called flooding in Cedar Rapids a "historic hydrologic event" Thursday as the river over-topped its banks at 500-year flood levels, forcing the evacuation of nearly 4,000 homes.

Continuous rain and rising floodwaters of the Des Moines River caused an earthen levee to burst on Saturday forcing the evacuation of north-side Des Moines neighborhoods that affected more than 200 homes and flooding North High School.

More than 1,000 buildings are at risk and the raging Iowa River has cut Iowa City in half with record-setting flooding. Some 350 National Guard soldiers are currently deployed in Iowa City and local officials continue to work to protect critical structures within the area, including filling and delivering sandbags.

The Iowa Department of Natural Resources, DNR, is recommending that farmers do not move any debris, sand or sediment into a stream, as it can intensify the problems many Iowans are already facing. If sediment placed in the stream and washes away, it can cause damage downstream. Or, it can settle in place and cause water to back up into upland areas.

As rainfall continues to pummel Iowa, the DNR is urging livestock producers to check their manure storage structures, which could be threatened by saturated soils.

Both concrete and earthen structures could be endangered if groundwater levels rise higher than were expected when the structure was designed.



蔡麗伶(LiLing Barricman)

In my healing journey and learning to attain the breath awareness, I become aware of the reality that all the creatures of the world are breathing the same breath. Take action, here and now. From my physical being to the every corner of this out of balance's planet.