美聯邦氣象官員預測:8月大西洋颶風發生率將升高 | 環境資訊中心


摘譯自2008年8月7日 ENS 美國,馬里蘭州,坎普泉報導;楊佳珊編譯;蔡麗伶審校





NOAA氣候預測中心的首席季節性颶風預測專家貝爾(Gerry Bell)博士指出:「2008年颶風活動異常升高的主要預測因素是:自1995年來,促使颶風增加的大氣和海洋條件不斷出現;另外『反聖嬰現象』的延伸效應也是徵兆之一。」

最新的颶風展望報告指出,發生14到18個風暴的機率是67%,並預估7到10個會形成颶風,而其中3到6個為強力颶風,風速在「薩非爾─辛普森颶風量級表」(Saffir-Simpson Scale)歸為3級以上颶風。



貝爾博士解釋說,有幾個條件支持會有更多颶風成型的預測,像是亂流的次數減少、信風(Trade winds)威力較微弱、西非豐沛的雨季、自非洲吹來的風,以及大西洋過高的水溫等因素。


More Major Storms Forecast for Intense Atlantic Hurricane Season
CAMP SPRINGS, Maryland, August 7, 2008 (ENS)

Government weather forecasters said today that they expect two more named storms and hurricanes to form in the Atlantic Basin this year than they predicted in May, and warned of an increased likelihood that 2008 will be an above-normal hurricane season.

In its August update to the Atlantic hurricane season outlook, released today, NOAA's Climate Prediction Center projects an 85 percent probability of an above-normal season - up from 65 percent in May.

The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, NOAA, issues its August outlook at the start of the peak months of the Atlantic hurricane season - August through October - and includes activity over the Atlantic Ocean, Caribbean Sea and Gulf of Mexico.

Forecasters say they adjusted their prediction due to atmospheric and oceanic conditions across the Atlantic Basin that favor storm development combined with the strong early season activity.

"Leading indicators for an above-normal season during 2008 include the continuing multi-decadal signal - atmospheric and oceanic conditions that have spawned increased hurricane activity since 1995 - and the lingering effects of La Niña," said Gerry Bell, PhD, lead seasonal hurricane forecaster at NOAA's Climate Prediction Center.

The updated outlook includes a 67 percent chance of 14 to 18 named storms.

Seven to 10 of those storms are expected to become hurricanes, including three to six major hurricanes of Category 3 strength or higher on the Saffir-Simpson Scale.

These ranges encompass the entire hurricane season, which ends November 30, and include the five storms that have formed to date.

In May, the outlook called for 12 to 16 named storms, including six to nine hurricanes and two to five major hurricanes.

An average Atlantic hurricane season has 11 named storms, including six hurricanes and two major hurricanes.

Bell explained that conditions favoring a forecast of more hurricanes include "reduced wind shear, weaker trade winds, an active West African monsoon system, the winds coming off of Africa and warmer-than-average water in the Atlantic Ocean."

Another indicator favoring an above-normal hurricane season is a very active July, the third most active since 1886. Even so, said Bell, there is still a 10 percent chance of a near normal season and a five percent chance of a below normal season.

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蔡麗伶(LiLing Barricman)

In my healing journey and learning to attain the breath awareness, I become aware of the reality that all the creatures of the world are breathing the same breath. Take action, here and now. From my physical being to the every corner of this out of balance's planet.