亨利山(Henry Hills)採礦營突兀地位於這片秘魯安地斯山脈。該營地為里約布蘭科銅公司(Rio Blanco-Copper)所有,該公司前身為英國蒙特瑞科礦業的附屬的瑪哈斯公司(Majaz),目前為中國 「紫金礦業」子公司。
這裡擁有秘魯僅存、也是數量最多的瀕危山地貘族群。此外這裡也有許多特有物種,大部分是世界保育聯盟(IUCN) 判斷的瀕危物種。
採礦營地附近有個2萬9500公頃的小型「塔巴科納-楠巴耶」生態保護區,保護如高山貘(Tapirus pinchaque)和眼鏡熊(Tremarctos ornatus)等瀕危物種。更重要的是,這裡也保護了這個高原地區的水資源。
假若礦業公司沒有堅持佔用這些農民的土地,年輕礦工的死亡悲劇本是可避免的。2007年9月這些社區進行公投,超過 95%的票數反對採礦計畫。
On November 1, in the paramo and cloud forest of Huancabamba, Piura Department in northern Peru, Harsh detonations and yellow refulgence break the calm of a chilly dawn in this presently occupied habitat of the nearly extinct mountain tapir.
Here, the mining encampment of Henry Hills is incongruously located high in the Peruvian Andes. The camp is owned by Rio Blanco-Copper, a subsidiary of the Chinese company Zijin, formerly Majaz subsidiary of Monterrico of England.
An estimated 20 armed persons with their rifles and Molotov cocktails bombard this encampment. The assailants easily bring down two young guards, as well as the administrator of the encampmen. They die terrible deaths.
The Rio Blanco copper and molybdenum deposit is one of the largest undeveloped copper resources in the world.
Here remains one of the last and certainly the largest population of the nearly extinct endangered mountain tapir in Peru. Many endemic species also occur here, a large portion of which are endangered with extinction as judged by the International Union for the Conservation of Nature.
Near the encampment is the small national Tabaconas Namballe Ecological Sanctuary of 29,500 hectares that protects endangered species such as the mountain tapir, Tapirus pinchaque, and spectacled bear, Tremarctos ornatus. Of hallmark importance also are the water resources of this highland area.
The deaths of these young miners are lamentable and could have been avoided had the mining company not persisted in occupying campesino community land. The communities here rejected the mining projects in a democratic referendum on September 2007 by more than 95 percent.
These same miningesisting campesinos have been subject to persecution and even torture as well as assassinations for years. The campesino demands for justice concerning their illegal incarcerations, torturing's, and killings have not been fairly heard by Peruvian authorities. In one case, over 30 campesinos were detained and tortured, accused of terrorism simply for trying to dialogue with the miners that were occupying their territories that contain forests and paramos.
In other words, the social will and ambience of this region has always been against mining, yet the mining companies always try to minimize and dismiss this resistance as having roots in ignorant, non-progressive classes of people.
On November 7, the President of the Council of Ministers Javier Velasquez announced that in view of the recent attack, the government of Peru would install a military base in the zone of the encampment. This would guarantee that the mining company, and other similar companies, could act with total impunity as concerns their infringements upon the communities of Yanta in Ayabaca and Segunda-Cajas in Huancabamba.
These are the communities whose land contains the greatest center of remaining occupied mountain tapir habitat along with a plethoric biodiversity and archeology, both unique in the world ?but now at great risk of being obliterated from the face of the Earth.
It is not out of the question that the soldiers would be given an order to eliminate the mountain tapirs, since their presence as an endangered species in the zone could prohibit the open pit mining activities being planned.