公開徵件: 成龍溼地國際環境藝術計畫–「兒童與藝術家的溼地禮讚」 | 環境資訊中心

公開徵件: 成龍溼地國際環境藝術計畫–「兒童與藝術家的溼地禮讚」


藝術家駐站成龍溼地創作期程:201047(抵達)~ 4月26日(賦歸)

成龍溼地位在雲林縣口湖鄉成龍村,是台灣西南沿海地層下陷區之一。近年在林務局租地保育下,失落的土地已成為候鳥的重要棲息地,並希望未來能成為一個以探討地層下陷及全球暖化議題的環境學習場域。我們希望獲選為本計畫的藝術家,能夠有和孩子一起工作的經驗、對環境議題感到興趣,並且能夠促成自己居住地一所學校或組織,與成龍村當地的小學作交流。在藝術家駐站的期間,成龍國小的小朋友將要一起加入環境藝術創作中。美籍藝術家艾婕音是本計畫的策展人。本計畫由農委會林務局指導,觀樹教育基金會執行,成龍國小協辦。詳情請見: http://artproject4wetland.wordpress.com/


- 藝術家津貼 (外國藝術家:新台幣70,000元整 /  台灣藝術家: 45,000元整)
- 19天在成龍村的住宿
- 當地的交通接駁 (所有獲選藝術家都需自付至台灣的機票及至高鐵嘉義站的交通費)
- 志工協助創作
- 早餐.午餐以及某些特殊社區日的晚餐由主辦單位提供
- 協尋當地免費創作素材

提案需知: 請備妥下列文件,以電子郵件方式寄給艾婕音( Jane Ingram Allen): allenrebeccajanei@gmail.com 或  觀樹教育基金會 王昭湄ks.kk696@gmail.com

1. 描述本次創作預計使用材料及作品尺寸(A4一頁為限,doc檔)
2. 說明您想要介紹的伙伴學校或組織(A4一頁為限,doc檔)
3. 本次創作的速寫(jpg檔,<1MG)
4. 六幅之前作品的影像(jpg檔,每張<1MG)
5. 上述影像的清單,含作品名稱.創作時間.媒材及展出地點(doc檔)
6. 個人英文履歷


International Environmental Art Project in Taiwan – ” Children and Artists Celebrate the Wetlands”

Deadline for Entries:  February 12, 2010
Residency at Cheng Long Wetlands, Taiwan:  April 7 – April 26, 2010
Dates of the Exhibition:  April 23 – July 25, 2010

Cheng Long Wetlands is in rural Yunlin County on the southwestern coast of Taiwan. Artists should have experience working with children and interest in environmental issues and be able to provide a link to a school or organization in their area. The Cheng Long Elementary School students will join with the artists to create outdoor environmental art installations. The curator is Jane Ingram Allen, American artist, curator and critic living in Taiwan since 2004.  Sponsors are Taiwan’s Forestry Bureau Kuan Shu Educational Foundation and the Cheng Long Elementary School. 

For further information, visit http://artproject4wetland.wordpress.com/

Selected Artists receive the following:

- NT$70,000 for International Artists; NT$45,000 for Taiwanese Artist
- 19 days accommodations in Taiwan
- Local transportation – artists must provide their own transportation fare to Taiwan and Chiayi HSR Station
-Volunteer help to create the artworks
- Breakfast and lunch each day and some dinners
- Help to find local free materials

To Apply:  Send the following by e mail to Jane Ingram Allen allenrebeccajanei@gmail.com or Chao-Mei Wang at ks.kk696@gmail.com

1. Description of proposed artwork with dimensions and materials (limit 1 page, MS Word .doc file)
2. Statement about proposed work with details about a partner school or organization (MSWord .doc file, limit 1 page)
3. Sketch of proposed artwork (.jpg file, limit 1 MG)
4. 6 images of previous works (.jpg files less than 1 MG each)
5. Image list with title, date, materials and location (MSWord .doc file)
6. CV/Resume