碳平衡 未來能源自足的建築概念 | 環境資訊中心

碳平衡 未來能源自足的建築概念



目前已有兩家公司從最基礎開始研發碳平衡建築:一是「聯合科技公司」(United Technologies Corp.),該公司為世界最大的資本貨物供應商,專門為商業大樓營造商供應電梯、冷暖氣及備用電力系統等資本貨物。另一家是「拉法基集團」(Lafarge Group),該集團是全世界建築材料的龍頭廠商,產品包含水泥、混凝土、拌水泥用的粒料、石膏及屋頂材料。

世界企業永續發展委員會執行長斯蒂格森(Bjorn Stigson)世界企業永續發展委員會執行長斯蒂格森(Bjorn Stigson)的想法是和有專業技術的企業策略聯盟,並認為沒有任何單一組織或政府能獨力完成這項任務。斯蒂格森指出:「我們堅信這項行動能發展出極具成本效益的最終解決方案。」


聯合科技公司子公司UTC總裁杜昆(Jan van Dokkum)指出:「未來的建築物在能源方面應能自已自足並達到碳排放平衡標準,要達到這點,得藉由在建物設計中併入再生能源來源考量、最佳化能源使用效率支持系統,並善用地理和文化上可行的營建方式。」


Buildings of the Future Energy Self-Sufficient, Carbon Neutral
GENEVA, Switzerland, March 29, 2006 (ENS)

Buildings that use no energy from external power grids, are carbon neutral, and can be built and operated at fair market values may sound like dream buildings today, but the World Business Council for Sustainable Development (WBCSD) is working towards making that dream a reality. The Council announced today that it is forming an alliance of global companies to ensure that by 2050 all new buildings meet these standards.

The two companies that are in on the ground floor of this effort are United Technologies Corp., the world's largest supplier of capital goods including elevators, cooling and heating and on-site power systems to the commercial building industry, and Lafarge Group, the world leader in building materials including cement, concrete, aggregates, gypsum and roofing.

WBCSD President Bjorn Stigson's idea is to partner with companies that have technological expertise and presence that no single existing organization or government could provide on its own. "We believe this initiative can provide extremely cost-effective solutions," Stigson said.

Buildings today account for 40 percent of energy consumption in developed countries according to the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), an association of industrial democracies. Constructing buildings that use no net energy from power grids will require a combination of onsite power generation and ultra-efficient building materials and equipment.

"Buildings of tomorrow should be self-sufficient in energy and have carbon neutral emissions," said Jan van Dokkum, president of UTC Power, a United Technologies company. "This can be done by incorporating renewable energy sources into a building's design, optimizing energy efficiency of support systems, and taking advantage of geographic and culturally acceptable building practices."

Green buildings already are erected in various parts of the world but current cost structure prevents widespread adoption by general contractors. 

The project will build on these examples, aligning costs and benefits in the building equation and by working in close collaboration with architects, builders, suppliers and building owners to promote a more sustainable approach to construction.