強勁風雪與破紀錄水患 依舊是暖化惹禍 | 環境資訊中心

強勁風雪與破紀錄水患 依舊是暖化惹禍


由全球科學家組成的公益團體2011年1月26日,紐約的暴風雪。圖片來自:Juan Jose Richards Echeverria相本。「憂思科學家聯盟」 (UCS)本月1日舉行視訊會議,會中氣候專家形容全球暖化為「在骰子裡灌了鉛」,增加破紀錄暴風雪發生的頻率,就如同過去兩年冬季肆虐美國與歐洲的雪災。

「嚴重暴風雪與地球的暖化並不互相牴觸。」地下氣象網站(Weather Underground)的氣象主任兼共同創辦人馬斯特斯博士(Dr. Jeff Masters)說:「事實上,當地球變得更溫暖,會有更多溼氣被吸收到大氣當中,我們不斷的在骰子中灌入重量,而讓一年四季產生更多的劇烈風暴,這都會造成社會更大的影響。」


「我們也正經歷春天早到的現象(spring creep),由於氣溫較一般狀況更溫暖,縮短了冬天時程。」馬斯特斯說:「舉例來說,我們現在在美國西部山區可看到春季溶雪的逕流,比60年前提早了1到3個星期。」

憂思科學家聯盟的氣候科學家桑福德(Todd Sanford)說:「想像大氣是塊海綿,有兩件事會發生:更多的水分從海洋蒸發,同時間,當大氣變暖後,它能夠容納更多的水蒸氣。這意味著,我們會在暴雨期間從海綿中擠出水來,因而預期未來的降雨事件會愈發強勁。」


自1980年代早期便投入研究北極氣候的瑟瑞茲博士(Dr. Serreze)表示,北極的氣溫在今年夏天逼近歷史高點。而2010年12月至2011年2月期間,海冰覆蓋的面積縮減至歷史低點。




Global Warming Blamed for Heavy Snowstorms, Record Floods
WASHINGTON, DC, March 2, 2011 (ENS)

Global warming is "loading the dice" to increase the frequency of record-setting snowstorms like those that have pounded the United States and Europe the past two winters, said climate scientists on a teleconference held Tuesday by the Union of Concerned Scientists.

"Heavy snowstorms are not inconsistent with a warming planet," said Dr. Jeff Masters, director of meteorology and co-founder of the Weather Underground website. "In fact, as the Earth gets warmer and more moisture gets absorbed into the atmosphere, we are steadily loading the dice in favor of more extreme storms in all seasons, capable of causing greater impacts on society."

There are more heavy snowfalls still to come this winter and the Upper Midwest should be prepared for record flooding in the spring, Masters warned.

"We're also experiencing spring creep, where the warmer than average temperatures are shortening the length of winter," Masters said. "For instance, we're now seeing spring runoff in the mountains in the western United States starting one to three weeks earlier than 60 years ago."

Todd Sanford, a climate scientist with the Union of Concerned Scientists said, "Think of atmosphere as a sponge.Two things happen: more water evaporates from the oceans. At the same time as atmosphere warms, it's able to hold more water vapor. That means that when we squeeze water out of sponge during storms, we're seeing it as much heavier precipitation events.

"Record low levels of sea ice in the Arctic affect atmospheric circulation patterns, causing the extreme winter weather we've been seeing. In the future, said Sanford, we can expect very heavy snowfalls, spring creep and the threat of serious flooding.

Dr. Serreze, who has been studying the Arctic climate since the early 1980s, said temperatures there have been near record high levels this winter. The area covered with sea ice shrank to record low levels for December 2010 through February 2011.

Less sea ice means more moisture in the atmosphere, said Serreze, and it affects global weather in other ways.

For the second winter in a row, he explained, scientists have seen an unusually strong negative phase of the Arctic Oscillation, an atmospheric circulation pattern in polar regions.

During a negative phase, when atmospheric pressure is higher than normal in the Arctic, wind patterns bring warmer than average temperatures to the Arctic, while colder air spills down into the middle latitudes in the U.S. and Europe.



蔡麗伶(LiLing Barricman)

In my healing journey and learning to attain the breath awareness, I become aware of the reality that all the creatures of the world are breathing the same breath. Take action, here and now. From my physical being to the every corner of this out of balance's planet.