輿論施壓 日本亞馬遜全面下架鯨肉產品 | 環境資訊中心

輿論施壓 日本亞馬遜全面下架鯨肉產品



美英兩國人士組成的非營利環保組織「環境調查協會」(Environmental Investigation Agency)及「國際人道協會」(Humane Society International)先前發起全球反鯨肉運動,旋即形成一股極大浪潮後,亞馬遜在24小時內全面下架包括鯨魚、海豚類這些產品。

數以萬計反對人士透過推特(twitter)、臉書、HSI線上網站連署抗議,美國亞馬遜總公司創辦人兼執行長貝佐斯(Jeff Bezos)的個人電子信箱也湧進數千封抗議信,表達反對販售鯨肉產品。

環境調查協會主席托特(Allan Thornton)說道:「我們支持日本亞馬遜下架網頁上的鯨肉產品,不過我們要求該公司盡快下達禁令,全面嚴禁販售鯨魚及海豚類相關的產品。」

環境調查協會先前出版一份名為〈Amazon.com's Unpalatable Profits〉的報告,對日本亞馬遜網造成輿論壓力。報告中指出,日本亞馬遜這家由總公司獨資運作的子公司,無視母公司禁止販賣未核可或非法野生動物產品(包括瀕危物種)的規定,私自販賣鯨肉類產品。

2011年12月間,環境調查協會在日本亞馬遜網站上調查發現有147種鯨肉產品,且到21日為止,這些產品的連結可正常點選,但在22日,這些產品網址的網頁出現「404 File Not Found」(連結不存在)的訊息。

支解貝氏喙鯨(Baird's beaked whale)的工人(EIA提供)這147種包括長鬚鯨、塞鯨、小鬚鯨、布氏鯨作成的產品,都是國際捕鯨委員會列入禁止商業獵捕的鯨魚。而華盛頓公約(CITES,管制瀕絕野生動植物國際貿易的公約)也禁止販賣瀕危的長鬚鯨與塞鯨身體部位。



Amazon.com Japan Pulls All Whale Meat Products
LONDON, UK, February 22, 2012 (ENS)

The Internet retail giant Amazon.com has responded to a public outcry against whale meat sales on its Japanese website by removing more than 145 food products from the site overnight.
The products made from the meat of whales, dolphins and porpoises were removed within 24 hours after a campaign launched yesterday by the Environmental Investigation Agency and Humane Society International quickly gathered worldwide momentum.

Canned "Whale Hamburg" for sale on the Amazon Japan site (Photo courtesy EIA)

Tens of thousands of people took action via Twitter, Facebook and HSI's online petition and thousands more sent protest emails to Jeff Bezos, founder and CEO of the Seattle-based business.

"We welcome Amazon's action to remove whale products from its Japanese website but urge Amazon to confirm it will enact a company-wide ban on the sale of all products derived from whales, dolphins or porpoises," said Allan Thornton, president of the Environmental Investigation Agency, a nonprofit organization based both in the UK and the United States.

"Amazon.com's Unpalatable Profits," the EIA report that created the backlash against Amazon Japan, reveals that the wholly owned subsidiary of Amazon Inc., sold cetacean food products despite Amazon's stated policy of prohibiting the sale of unlicensed or illegal wildlife products, including endangered species.

In December 2011, EIA investigators identified 147 whale products for sale on Amazon Japan. Links to these products were active on the Amazon Japan site yesterday. But today the same links return a "404 File Not Found" message.

The listed products included fin, sei, minke and Bryde's whales, all protected by the International Whaling Commission's moratorium on commercial whaling and the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species, which forbids international trade in body parts of endangered fin and sei whales.

Workers dismember a Baird's beaked whale. (Photo by Caroline Pott courtesy EIA)

In 2011, EIA investigators purchased whale products from Amazon Japan, including canned whale meat, whale jerky, whale  and whale stew, some from these endangered species. Many of the products were found to be contaminated with toxic mercury at levels far higher than Japan's allowable limit.

Amazon Japan profited from the sales of whale meat. Selling contracts on Amazon Japan require third-party sellers to pay a 10 percent commission for food and drink products, including whale products, on top of a 4900 yen ($57) monthly fee, according to the EIA report.




蔡麗伶(LiLing Barricman)

In my healing journey and learning to attain the breath awareness, I become aware of the reality that all the creatures of the world are breathing the same breath. Take action, here and now. From my physical being to the every corner of this out of balance's planet.