除了剛果「野心之心」以外,聯合國教科文組織(UNESCO)世界遺產委員會(World Heritage Committee)又加入了五個新的自然遺產,包括查德(Chad)的首個世界遺產;而太平洋島國帛琉(Palau)的一處海域,因為其文化和自然的重要性而被列入。
查德的烏尼昂加湖群(Lakes of Ounianga)、中國雲南澄江(Chengjiang)的化石遺址、俄羅斯的勒那河柱狀岩自然公園(Lena Pillars Nature Park)與印度西高止山脈(Western Ghats)亦由21國評估人員組成之委員會加入該名單中。
除了上述新增的世界遺產外,位於喀麥隆、中非共和國與剛果共和國之間的桑加河三國保護區(Sangha Trinational Protected Area),本報已有單獨做過介紹。
查德的烏尼昂加湖群,包含18個相互連接的湖泊。這些罕見的永久性湖泊位在撒哈拉沙漠超乾燥(hyper-arid)的恩內迪區(Ennedi region),散佈面積達62808公頃。
烏尼昂加克比爾(Ounianga Kebir)湖群包括四個湖泊。其中,最大的是約安湖(Yoan),面積358公頃、水深27米,高鹽度的湖水只有藻類和微生物得以生存。
另外的烏尼昂加塞里爾(Ounianga Serir)湖群共有14個湖泊,彼此間有沙丘隔開,半數湖面有漂浮的蘆葦,從而減少了湖水的蒸發。有些湖泊含有高質量的淡水,並有魚類生存其中。鐵力湖(Lake Teli)是本分支中最大的湖,面積436公頃、水深不到10米。
國際自然保護聯盟(International Union for the Conservation of Nature, IUCN)是世界遺產委員會針對自然遺產的官方諮詢機構,在世界遺產委員會提出的九個地點中,烏尼昂加湖群是最被推薦的一個。
澄江化石遺址位於中國雲南省的昆明市附近,被視為是寒武紀大爆發(Cambrian explosion)物種迅速出現與多樣化的演化證據。這樣生命數量的激增發生在5億三千萬年前,而現今主要的動物群系當時皆已出現。
俄羅斯的新世界遺產勒那柱狀岩自然公園(Lena Pillars Nature Park)以位於西伯利亞遠東地區勒那河(Lena River)沿岸壯觀的天然岩石景觀而著稱。柱狀岩高150-300米(490-985英尺),約在寒武紀時代的海底盆地形成。
西高止山脈的森林居住有至少325全球瀕危植物、動物、鳥類、兩棲類、爬蟲類與魚類,包括特有的獅尾猴(lion-tailed macaque)、亞洲象和老虎等屬於國際自然保護聯盟瀕危物種紅皮書的物種。
而在7月初,帛琉成為第一個有地點被列入世界遺產名錄的發展中小島國家。在國際自然保護聯盟(IUCN)的推薦下,洛克群島(Rock Islands)南方潟湖(Southern Lagoon )因其特殊景觀而成為帛琉的第一個世界遺產。
早在2006年,科羅省(Koror State)的傳統領袖即提出要讓洛克群島南方潟湖成為世界遺產的要求。由於其文化和自然的重要性,帛琉提名此100,200公頃的區域納入世界遺產名錄。
The World Heritage Committee has inscribed five new natural sites on UNESCO's World Heritage List, including Chad's first World Heritage property. A marine site belonging to the Pacific island nation of Palau was listed for its cultural and natural importance.
Chad's Lakes of Ounianga and the Chengjiang Fossil Site in China have been inscribed on the World Heritage List. Russia's Lena Pillars Nature Park and the Western Ghats in India also were added to the prestigious list by the committee, a 21-nation panel.
These new World Heritage sites were inscribed in addition to the Sangha Trinational Protected Area, shared among Cameroon, the Central African Republic and the Republic of Congo, which ENS covered in a separate report.
The Lakes of Ounianga site in Chad includes 18 interconnected lakes. These rare permanent lakes in a desert stretch across 62,808 hectares of the Sahara Desert's hyper-arid Ennedi region.
Relics of a single, much larger lake that filled the basin less than 10,000 years ago, the 18 saline, hyper-saline and freshwater lakes are supplied by groundwater and are found in two groups 40 kilometers (25 miles) apart.
The Ounianga Kebir group includes four lakes, the largest of which, Yoan, covers an area of 358 hectares and is 27 meters deep. Its highly saline waters sustain only algae and microorganisms.
The second group, Ounianga Serir, takes in 14 lakes separated by sand dunes and half covered by floating reeds, which reduce evaporation. With their high quality fresh water, some of these lakes are inhabited by fish. At 436 hectares, Lake Teli has the largest surface area in this group but is less than 10 meters deep.
The official World Heritage advisory body on nature, the International Union for the Conservation of Nature, IUCN, presented its evaluations of nine sites to the World Heritage Committee. One site recommended favorably was the Lakes of Ounianga.
The IUCN also recommended World Heritage status for the Chengjiang Fossil Site in China, advice that the committee adopted.
The rocks of the Chengjiang Fossil Site, near the city of Kunming in Cina's Yuann province are evidence of the rapid appearance and diversification of species and evolutionary development known as the Cambrian explosion. This proliferation of life took place over 530 million years ago, when almost all of today's major animal groups emerged.
The exceptional remains of species recorded at Chengjiang are key to understanding the early evolution of life on Earth.
The hilly 512-hectare site offers the most complete record of an early Cambrian marine community with exceptionally preserved biota, displaying the anatomy of hard and soft tissues in a very wide variety of organisms, invertebrate and vertebrate.
Russia's new World Heritage site, Lena Pillars Nature Park, is distinguished by spectacular natural rock formations along the Lena River in far eastern Siberia. The pillars are 150-300 meters (490-985 feet) high, and were formed in some of the Cambrian era sea-basins.
The site is inhabited by rare plants and animals, including the Siberian musk deer, the Red deer, the Siberian chipmunk, and 99 species of nesting birds.
Located in the central part of the Sakha, or Yakutia, Republic, Lena Pillars is an area with an extreme continental climate. The annual temperature range swings almost 100 degrees Celsius, from around -60° C in winter to +40° C in summer.
In India, a series of protected areas across the mountain chain of the Western Ghats was granted World Heritage status after a persistent campaign by the Indian government.
"Older than the Himalaya mountains, the Western Ghats represents geomorphic features of immense importance with unique biophysical and ecological processes," the committee said. "It is recognized as one of the world's eight 'hottest hotspots' of biological diversity."
The forests of the Western Ghats are inhabited at least 325 globally threatened plant, animals, bird, amphibian, reptile and fish species, including endemic lion-tailed macaques, Asian elephants and tigers, all classified as Endangered on the IUCN's Red List of Threatened Species.
Earlier this week Palau became the first Small Island Developing State to have a site inscribed on the World Heritage List. The exceptional marine site of Rock Islands Southern Lagoon became Palau's first, following the IUCN's recommendation.
This status for the Rock Island Southern Lagoon was initially requested by the Koror State Traditional Leaders back in 2006. Palau nominated the 100,200 hectare marine site to the World Heritage list due to its cultural and natural importance.
The Rock Islands Southern Lagoon is recognized for its exceptional ecological diversity, coral reefs, lagoon and limestone islands and marine lakes.
As a result of their isolation from each other, all 52 marine lakes on the site are a diversity of different marine ecosystems.
Inscription on the World Heritage list means Palau now will be eligible for technical support and financial assistance and will become a more alluring destination for visitors interested in World Heritage Sites.
The UNESCO World Heritage List now includes 217 natural and mixed natural and cultural sites.