美環境罪犯 列入緊急通緝要犯 | 環境資訊中心

美環境罪犯 列入緊急通緝要犯


環境違法通緝者被刊在美國環保署網站 圖片來源:美國環保署美國環保署(Environmental Protection Agency,EPA)最近在聯邦調查局網站書籤中設置了一個連結網頁,列上環境違法通緝者和被控環境犯罪者的相片與敘述,目前已有23名在The EPA's Most Wanted site的網站上。


EPA執法及稽查辦公室(Office of Enforcement and Compliance Assurance ,OECA)總長Granta Nakayama表示:「把這些資訊放在EPA網站上將讓更多人留意環境通緝犯。2008年已經有兩名被捕,這個網站將會幫助我們追查到更多。」


其中一名是現年39歲的Mauro Valenzuela,原為Sabertech公司的技術員,他被指控非法在商務機上運送危險物質。1996年Valenzuela在瓦盧傑航空(Valujet,現已改名為穿越航空AirTran)592號班機上非法運載未經適當標明與安全標準的廢氧產生裝置,造成飛機從邁阿密國際機場起飛後不久失火墜毀於佛羅里達州的大沼澤(Everglades)中,全機110人喪生。九年前Valenzuela在被歸咎後立刻潛逃至今。

另一個環境通緝犯是EnCon Environmental Services公司總長Raul Chavez-Beltran,他被指控在德州西部行政區El Paso Division中非法運輸、儲放與處理含汞土壤,以及意謀與郵寄詐欺。目前相信他還潛於墨西哥工作。

此網站也列出已捕緝的罪犯,如2008上半年有兩名在逃被捕。其中一個David Allen Phillips曾被控違反淨水法案(Clean Water Act crimes)但2004年在蒙大拿(Montana)逃獄。他逃至墨西哥,2008年3月由墨國政府交出歸案,目前正等候判。另一名David Ortiz在2004年違反淨水法案被控後就立即潛逃,直到3月在科羅拉多被捕入獄。



FBI、美國特勤局(U.S. Secret Service)和酒精、煙草與軍火局(Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco , and Firearms)也在他們的網站上列出通緝犯,不過EPA是第一個以環境犯罪通緝犯為主設網站的聯邦執法機構。這些通緝犯是指被控違法,然而環境犯罪的個人指控在被法院證實有罪前,仍算無罪。

EPA's Most Wanted Fugitives Featured on New Website
WASHINGTON, DC, December 10, 2008 (ENS)

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency is taking a page from the book of the Federal Bureau of Investigation and is now posting pictures and descriptions of fugitive environmental lawbreakers or those accused of environmental crimes on a new website.

The EPA's Most Wanted site opened today at: http://www.epa.gov/fugitives with 23 fugitives featured.

The alleged violations include smuggling of ozone-depleting substances, illegally disposing of hazardous waste, discharging pollutants into the air and water, laundering money and making criminally false statements.

"Putting this information on the EPA's website will increase the number of eyes looking for environmental fugitives," said Granta Nakayama, head of the EPA's Office of Enforcement and Compliance Assurance. "Two EPA fugitives were captured this year, and this website could help us find more fugitives in the future."

The website includes photos of the accused, summaries of their alleged environmental violations, and information on each fugitive's last known whereabouts.

One of the featured fugitives is Mauro Valenzuela, 39, a former mechanic for Sabertech. Valenzuela is alleged to have illegally transported hazardous materials on a commercial aircraft.

In 1996, Valenzuela allegedly transported waste oxygen generators onboard ValuJet flight 592 without proper markings and other safety measures.

The flight crashed into the Everglades shortly after take-off from Miami International Airport killing all 110 passengers and crew onboard. Valenzuela fled the country soon after his arraignment nine years ago.

Another fugitive featured on the new site is Raul Chavez-Beltran, president of EnCon Environmental Services, Inc. Chavez-Beltran was charged in the Western District of Texas - El Paso Division with illegal transportation, storage and disposal of mercury contaminated soil, conspiracy and mail fraud. He is believed to be living and working in Mexico.

The website also lists EPA's captured fugitives such as the two men the agency found on the run earlier this year. David Allen Phillips escaped prison four years ago after being convicted of Clean Water Act crimes in Montana.

He fled to Mexico, was turned over to authorities by the Mexican government last March, and awaits further sentencing.

David Ortiz fled after the appeal of his conviction for Clean Water Act crimes in 2004. He remained at large for almost four years until his capture last March in Colorado and is currently in prison.

The EPA is advising anyone who encounters a fugitive to notify the agency by submitting the "Report a Fugitive" form on the website. The information will be electronically sent to EPA's national criminal investigation office in Washington, DC.

Members of the public may also choose to report the information to their local police department or, if outside the United States, to the nearest U.S. Embassy.

Some fugitives may be armed and dangerous, and EPA warns members of the public against trying to apprehend them.

Many of the alleged violators listed on the website have fled the country. EPA depends on cooperation with Interpol and other international law enforcement agencies to locate them.

The FBI, the U.S. Secret Service and the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms also maintain websites featuring fugitives from the law, but EPA is the first federal law enforcement agency to feature an environmental crimes fugitive website.

Criminal charges are allegations of misconduct. Individuals charged with environmental crimes are presumed innocent until proven guilty in a court of law.


蔡麗伶(LiLing Barricman)

In my healing journey and learning to attain the breath awareness, I become aware of the reality that all the creatures of the world are breathing the same breath. Take action, here and now. From my physical being to the every corner of this out of balance's planet.