保護全球最瀕危海豚 紐國綠黨提大選政見 | 環境資訊中心

保護全球最瀕危海豚 紐國綠黨提大選政見



毛伊海豚。(來源:Earthrace Conservation)

西海岸北島海洋哺乳動物保護區是2008年工黨籍首相所Helen Clark設立,目的就是保護毛伊海豚。但是今年6月,就在國際捕鯨委員會敦促紐西蘭政府採取行動保護極度瀕危物種的一周後,由首相John Key帶領的國民政府開放保護區內3,000平方公里進行鑽油和天然氣。


綠黨海洋事務發言人Gareth Hughes說,「國民政府再一次犧牲僅存的55隻毛伊海豚,好給採礦業方便,完全不將紐西蘭人關心的事物放在眼裡。」

綠黨共同主席Metiria Turei也強力抨擊,「國民政府假保護區開放危險的鑽油、地震勘探、海床採礦,以及導致毛伊海豚死亡的捕魚方式,根本是屠宰場,不是保護區。」

Turei引援達爾豪西大學加拿大籍生物學家Lindy Weilgart博士的研究為綠黨背書,「地震探勘會讓海豚躲避重要的棲息地,影響覓食、繁殖、休息和聽覺等對生存至關重要的行為,並對牠們造成壓力。」綠黨的保護計畫依照專家建議,將捕魚限制延伸到整個毛伊海豚出沒範圍,禁用定置網和拖網。



不過自然保護部部長Nick Smith說,「綠黨計畫全面禁止北島西岸的鑽油和天然氣,並在沒有毛伊海豚出沒紀錄的地方禁漁,這並不合理。過去40年來塔拉納基大區總值30億石油天然氣產業,沒有釀成一件和毛伊海豚相關的意外。在這幅員廣大的地區全面禁止新的石油和天然氣開採活動,長期下來會造成巨大的經濟損失,不只是塔拉納基大區的損失,也視全紐西蘭的損失。政府已在2010年推行開採相關的強制性法規,確保毛伊海豚不受傷害。」

New Zealand Green Party Hopes to Save World’s Rarest Dolphin
WELLINGTON, New Zealand, July 30, 2014 (ENS)

Ahead of the 2014 New Zealand general election set for September 20, the Green Party today launched its plan to protect the world’s smallest and most endangered dolphin, the Maui’s dolphin. Just 55 of these dolphins survive in the wild – all in New Zealand waters.

The plan is the third component of the party’s environmental priority this election – clean rivers and beaches.

The Green Party would protect Maui’s dolphins from being killed in the West Coast North Island Marine Mammal Sanctuary established to protect them in 2008 under the Labour Government of then Prime Minister Helen Clark.

In June, New Zealand’s National Government, headed by Prime Minister John Key opened more than 3,000 square kilometres of the marine mammal sanctuary for oil and gas drilling.

The move came less than a week after the International Whaling Commission urged the government to do more to save the critically endangered species.

Then, on July 16, the government issued mineral mining permits in one third of the endangered Maui’s dolphin sanctuary. There have been hundreds of dolphin sightings in the areas where the mineral mining permits were granted.

“This is another yet example of National sacrificing the last remaining 55 Maui’s dolphins in order to give the mining industry a leg-up, and showing a total disregard for the things New Zealanders care about,” said Green Party oceans spokesperson Gareth Hughes.

“National’s sham sanctuary allows dangerous oil drilling, seismic surveying, seabed mining, and fishing methods which are lethal to Maui’s dolphins. It’s closer to a slaughter house than a safe house,” said Green Party Co-leader Metiria Turei.

But Conservation Minister Nick Smith said today, “The Green Party’s dolphin plan to prohibit any new oil and gas developments off the North Island’s West Coast and to ban fishing in areas where there is no record of the Maui’s dolphin does not make sense.”

“There has not been a single incident involving Maui’s dolphin and Taranaki’s $3 billion oil and gas industry in over 40 years. The prohibition on any new oil and gas exploration in this large area will come at a huge economic cost long-term not just to Taranaki but more widely to New Zealand. The Government introduced compulsory regulations for protecting marine mammals from exploration activities in 2010 that ensures no harm to Maui’s,” Smith said.

For support of the Green Party policy, Turei quoted Canadian biologist Dr. Lindy Weilgart of Dalhousie University, who has served on numerous expert panels and committees. “Seismic surveys can cause dolphins to avoid important habitat, can interfere with their food-finding, reproduction, resting, and hearing sounds vital to their survival, and can cause stress effects.”

The Green Party plan would extend fishing protections to the entire Maui’s range, prohibiting set nets and trawl nets, as recommended by expert scientists.

In recognition of the hardship that fishers will face as a result of the new fishing rules, the Green Party would spend up to NZ$20 million over three years to help them transition to alternative dolphin-friendly fishing gear, technology-led research and appropriate permitting.

※ 全文及圖片詳見:ENS

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蔡麗伶(LiLing Barricman)

In my healing journey and learning to attain the breath awareness, I become aware of the reality that all the creatures of the world are breathing the same breath. Take action, here and now. From my physical being to the every corner of this out of balance's planet.