氣候變遷造成投資風險大 投資人齊籲企業揭露情報 | 環境資訊中心

氣候變遷造成投資風險大 投資人齊籲企業揭露情報


氣候變遷使得投資風險變大,造成投資者人心惶惶。照片來源: 維基百科一個由資金總額超過41兆美元的機構投資人團體,31日呼籲全球2400家大型企業,透露公司在面對氣候變遷下投資風險與機會的相關情報。參與「碳揭露專案」(Carbon Disclosure Project, 簡稱CDP)的投資人表示,一旦CDP充分取得企業的公開資訊,便可作為一套全球標準的檢驗機制,同時企業亦可藉此向投資人回報其溫室氣體排放情形。

然而,31日在美國波士頓所公布的調查報告中,針對標準普爾500大企業所進行的2006年CDP問卷分析顯示,超過半數的公司並未落實向投資者公布氣候變化的潛在風險。許多美國企業迄今仍十分輕估氣候變化對營運的衝擊。所有的企業不管在任何情況下,都應該據實揭露投資風險及永續經營之報告。康乃狄克州財政部副部長里夫金(Howard Rifkin)指出,此報告將說服美國證券交易委員會(SEC)採取具體行動,將氣候風險納入企業財報核心標準的其中一項,並讓標準普爾500大企業引以為鑑。


Investors Worth Trillions Ask Companies to Disclose Climate Risk
NEW YORK, New York, January 31, 2007 (ENS)

A group of institutional investors with assets of US$41 trillion under management said today it is asking 2,400 of the world's largest companies for disclosure of information about the risks and opportunities they face due to climate change. The investors, participating in the Carbon Disclosure Project, CDP, say that by these requests for information they are "cementing CDP as the global standardized mechanism by which companies report their greenhouse gas emissions to investors."

But a report released in Boston today based on responses of the Standard and Poor's 500 companies to last year's Carbon Disclosure Project questionnaire concludes that over half are doing a poor job of disclosing climate change risks to their investors. Many U.S. companies are still downplaying climate change and its far-reaching business impacts. All companies should disclose their risks and sustainability reports. "This report underscores the need for the SEC [Securities and Exchange Commission] to take action to include climate risk as part of their ‘materiality’ standard for corporate reporting, and for the companies of the S&P 500 to take heed," said Howard Rifkin, deputy treasurer for the state of Connecticut.

The CDP covers total company-wide global greenhouse gas emissions, and steps taken to manage and reduce emissions. The information received will be summarized in regional and sector reports and distributed to participating institutional investors and responding corporations.

全文及圖片詳見 ENS報導


蔡麗伶(LiLing Barricman)

In my healing journey and learning to attain the breath awareness, I become aware of the reality that all the creatures of the world are breathing the same breath. Take action, here and now. From my physical being to the every corner of this out of balance's planet.