布希一再干涉氣候研究 美恐無力對抗暖化浪潮 | 環境資訊中心

布希一再干涉氣候研究 美恐無力對抗暖化浪潮


美國前聯邦氣候研究計劃特約研究員彼爾茲(Rick Piltz)不滿白宮過分干預氣候科學研究。(圖片來源:CCSP)美國前聯邦氣候研究計劃特約研究員彼爾茲(Rick Piltz)7日向參議院小組委員表示,布希政府過去對氣候科學家施以政治壓力的陋習,已經破壞國家整體對全球暖化現象的戒心。彼爾茲於2005年主動辭去他在「氣候變遷科學計劃」(Climate Change Science Program, CCSP)中的職務,以示不滿白宮過分干預氣候科學研究;他指出,「就算我們在研究過程中成功擺脫政府把關的關卡,政治領導人是否願意正視這些研究結果還是個大問題。」

據1月公布的一份報告顯示,在279名氣候科學家中,近乎一半曾經在被施壓要求在各自的研究案中,剔除任何涉及「全球暖化」或「氣候變遷」的內容。「氣候變遷科學計劃」代理主席布倫南(Bill Brennan)表示,社會這些對政府的指控僅是幾件特殊的個例,並強調布希政府事實上相當關心聯邦科學家,同時也已採取具體行動來改善暖化情形。

美國已於2000年完成國家研究評核標準,並依據《全球變遷研究法》(Global Change Research Act)授權不斷更新與增訂,持續作為政府在發展全國氣候政策中,對決策者和民眾報告的行動核心。然而彼爾茲指出,政府已有效停止該計劃,並且禁止與會部會討論氣候相關議題。彼爾茲甚至鼓勵參院小組委員,查查聯邦政府真正為氣候研究投入多少資金。

Effects of Bush Climate Science Censorship Linger
WASHINGTON, DC, February 7, 2007 (ENS)

The Bush administration's political interference with climate scientists has done lasting damage to the nation's ability to prepare for the challenges of global warming, a former senior associate with the federal climate research program told a Senate panel today. "Even if we succeed in lifting this heavy hand of censorship there is still the problem of getting the political leadership to embrace the findings put forward by the scientists," said Rick Piltz, who resigned his position with the Climate Change Science Program, CCSP, in 2005 in protest of White House interference with climate science.

A report released last month found that nearly half the 279 climate scientists who responded to a survey reported being pressured to delete references to "global warming" or "climate change" from scientific papers or reports. The acting head of the CCSP, Bill Brennan, said the allegations were isolated incidents, adding that the Bush administration "takes the concerns of its scientists very seriously," and is taking steps to remedy the situation.

Completed in 2000, the national assessment was mandated by the 1990 Global Change Research Act. It was intended to be continually updated and to serve as a centerpiece of the government's effort to inform the policymakers and the public in developing a national climate policy. The administration effectively killed the program and suppressed discussion of it by participating agencies, according to Piltz. He also urged the committee to examine the state of federal spending on climate science.


蔡麗伶(LiLing Barricman)

In my healing journey and learning to attain the breath awareness, I become aware of the reality that all the creatures of the world are breathing the same breath. Take action, here and now. From my physical being to the every corner of this out of balance's planet.