根據哥倫比亞大學地球研究所所屬單位,拉蒙特-多爾蒂地球觀測站(Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory)發表於5日的最新研究顯示,本世紀初開始,人類造成的氣候變遷有可能引發美國整個西南區長期的極度乾旱。
觀測站資深科學家也是該研究主導者之一西格(Richard Seager)表示:「北美西南的不毛地區勢必會因為人類引發的氣候變遷而更乾燥,正巧人口成長也增加用水需求。水主要還是供應農業使用。」
該研究已記錄,匯集赤道附近上升氣流和亞熱帶區下降氣流的哈得萊環流(Hadley Cell),隨著地球暖化,如何往地球兩極擴張。
Human-caused climate change is likely to lead to long periods of extreme drought throughout the American Southwest starting early this century, finds a new study released today by the Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory, a member of The Earth Institute at Columbia University.
In contrast to past droughts, future drying is not linked to any particular pattern of change in sea surface temperature but seems to be the result of "an overall surface warming driven by rising greenhouse gases," researchers said.
"The arid lands of southwestern North America will imminently become even more arid as a result of human-induced climate change just at the time that population growth is increasing demand for water, most of which is still used by agriculture," said Richard Seager, senior research scientist at the Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory and one of the lead authors of the study.
As the planet warms, the study documented how the Hadley Cell, which links together rising air near the Equator and descending air in the subtropics, expands toward the poles.
Descending air suppresses precipitation by drying the lower atmosphere, so this process expands the subtropical dry zones. At the same time, and related to this, the rain-bearing mid-latitude storm tracks also shift poleward.
Both changes in atmospheric circulation, which are not fully understood, cause the poleward flanks of the subtropics to dry. Other land regions expected to be affected by subtropical drying include southern Europe, North Africa and the Middle East as well as parts of South America.
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