南非野生動物交易黑市 高價賣往中國的真相:淪落動物園、實驗室、肉品市場 | 環境資訊中心

南非野生動物交易黑市 高價賣往中國的真相:淪落動物園、實驗室、肉品市場


環境資訊中心外電;姜唯 翻譯;林大利 審校;稿源:ENS
編按:接續上篇,近期一份報告「南非與中國間可恥的野生動物貿易」揭露南非政府放任野生動物活體市場、違反國際公約的真相。報告由南非非政府組織「EMS基金會」和「禁止動物貿易(Ban Animal Trading)」發表,他們指控,包括黑猩猩、孟加拉虎、狼、非洲野犬和獅子在內,數千種瀕臨滅絕的野生動物從南非銷往中國,法規和審核流程毫無作用、動物福利和自然保護原則遭到忽視,並提供確切犯罪證據。












100隻狐獴的行情價格為60萬南非幣(3萬4460美元)。照片來源:Jarod Carruthers(CC BY-NC-ND 2.0)

EMS基金會負責人皮克佛(Michele Pickover)表示,這份報告的前一個版本已經寄給南非各相關政府部門和官員,裡面有清楚的非法獅骨貿易證據,「但我們從未收到任何人的任何回應,這不是無能,是無視。」





South Africa's Live Wild Animal Trade to China Exposed
CAPE TOWN, South Africa, May 26, 2020(ENS)

Animal Welfare Concerns

While CITES rules are supposed to guarantee that exported live wild animals go to “appropriate and acceptable destinations,” those traded from South Africa to China may end up being used as pets, curios, food, ingredients in traditional medical practices, zoo exhibits or laboratory test subjects.

The report notes that since many animals are sold on to unknown third parties by the initial importers, their final destination is frequently impossible to ascertain.

Facilities housing imported wild animals in China are often of an inferior standard. In the case of the chimpanzees sold to the Beijing Wild Animal Park, for example, their accommodation was not yet completed on their arrival in the country and the facility did not have qualified staff to take care of them.

Many of the animals are destined for China’s thousands of government-run or privately-owned “safari parks,” zoos, theme parks and circuses for the sole purpose of entertainment. According to the report, several of these institutions have been exposed for animal abuse, poor conditions and facilities, training wild animals to perform for audiences and illegally buying wild-caught animals.

Most of the non-human primates exported from South Africa, including hundreds of marmosets, are sold to brokers, wholesalers and breeding farms, and many of them end up in laboratories conducting experiments, including vivisection, for the biomedical, cosmetic and pharmaceutical industries.

Morally Bankrupt Government Policies

The evidence presented in the report makes it abundantly clear that South Africa’s trade in live wild animals has no conservation value whatsoever. Given the involvement of endangered species, the frequently dubious final destinations in China and the fact that the trade stimulates growing demand, it’s more likely to have a detrimental impact on biodiversity and species survival.

The true motivation for this industry is not hard to find. The 18 chimps exported from a commercial entity in South Africa for supposedly non-commercial purposes to a commercial entity in China came at a cost of over R7.5 million (US$430,758). The report lists the going price for 100 meerkats at R600,000 (US$34,460), 57 giraffes at R7million (US$402,000) and 18 African Wild Dogs at R1 million (US$57,430).

The South African government has been actively enabling this profit-driven industry for years. It has done so through its laissez-faire disregard for CITES and its own export regulations and through its aggressive promotion of a “sustainable use” philosophy that treats wild animals as mere commodities to be bred and sold while leaving conservation concerns to the supposed benevolence of international markets.

According to Michele Pickover, director of the EMS Foundation, copies of an earlier and equally damaging EMS/Ban Animal Trading report on South Africa’s trade in lion bones clearly detailing illegal activities was sent to various domestic authorities and individuals in government.

“We never received any response from any of them,” Pickover says. “This is not a case of incompetence. They are ignoring us.”

Given the COVID-19 disaster, ignoring this issue amounts to criminal negligence. As long as the South African government continues to support and legitimise an industry that endangers the biodiversity of domestic ecosystems while exposing the entire world to novel zoonotic diseases, it bears some responsibility for the devastating ecological, human health and financial consequences it causes.

The authors call for the government to abandon its controversial wildlife trade policies and to ban the export of living wild animals and their body parts.

They write, “The report makes clear that any captive breeding and trade legitimises and normalises consumption, which renders demand reduction campaigns incoherent and ineffective, and puts wild species at further risk of exploitation.”

The authors call for the replacement of CITES with a different global agreement that would have as its fundamental guiding principle that “the trade in wild animals is inappropriate, counter-productive, unethical and fundamentally unsustainable.”

※ 全文及圖片詳見:ENS




