抗暖化 一億美元援助太平洋島國 | 環境資訊中心

抗暖化 一億美元援助太平洋島國


馬紹爾群島共和國由29個環礁與5個主要島嶼組成,容易遭受到全球暖化的影響。(照片來源:Destination: Pacific)氣候變遷帶來的衝擊顯示,對低漥的太平洋島國而言,海平面上升是威脅性極大的「重大安全議題」,9日在美國華府舉行的「太平洋群島領袖會議」,做出上述結論。這些島嶼國家正尋求美國協助,不過,全球環境基金(Global Environment Facility,GEF)決定提供1億美元經費提供協助。

在美國國務卿萊絲主持的開幕式下,太平洋島嶼領袖團體現任主席、馬紹爾群島共和國總理諾特(Kessai Note),在會議間代表島嶼國家提出上述訴求。相關於布希政府長久以來對全球暖化的事實採取懷疑態度,諾特總理表示,在他所居住的地區,人們不能安於現狀。他說:「我就任總理5年多來,持續到全球各地,爭取人們關注我國人民面對的威脅。如果各國不行動,我們將是全世界第一批環境難民。」


全球環境基金執行長和主席芭布(Monique Barbut)同時指出,他們極需決定「調適基金」(Adaptation Fund)的補助地點,該基金建構於《京都議定書》之下,很可能成為最貧窮和最易受害國家,包括小島國家,適應氣候變遷的最大資金來源。這個決定將於2007年12月在印尼巴里島舉行的聯合國氣候變大會中公佈。

Pacific Island States to Get $100 Million in Climate Change Help
WASHINGTON, DC, May 10, 2007 (ENS)

The impact of climate change represents a "major security issue" for low-lying Pacific nations threatened by rising sea levels, agreed the Conference of Pacific Islands Leaders that concluded in Washington on Wednesday. The island states are seeking assistance from the United States, but instead help in the form of a $100 million grant package is being offered by the Global Environment Facility.

Kessai Note, president of the Marshall Islands and current chairman of the Leader's group, made the appeal on behalf of island nations at the conference, which was opened by U.S. Secretary of State Condoleeza Rice.

While the administration of President George W. Bush has long taken a skeptic's view of global warming scenarios, President Note said his region cannot afford to be complacent.

"Since my election more than five years ago, I have been traveling the world trying to draw attention to the threat that my people face," Note has said. "We are going to be the world's first environmental refugees if the world does not act."

The GEF is an international financial mechanism with 177 member countries that finances projects to address six critical threats to the global environment, including climate change. The new funding for the Pacific island nations, a six-fold increase over previous GEF financing for the region, will be used to fight climate change, protect island species and shared waters, and conserve the fragile environment of the islands.

Monique Barbut, CEO and chairperson of the GEF, also highlighted the urgent need for a decision on the location of the Adaptation Fund, a fund established under the Kyoto Protocol that will likely become the largest source of financing for adaptation in the poorest and most vulnerable countries, including small island states. That decision could come at the next UN Convention on Climate Change Conference of the Parties in Bali, Indonesia in December.

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