美國核武廠廢料 流入一般掩埋場 | 環境資訊中心

美國核武廠廢料 流入一般掩埋場


具放射性物質的土壤被堆置於橡樹嶺的囤積場內(照片來源:DOE)美國非營利組織「核子資訊及資源服務組織」(Nuclear Information and Resource Service,NIRS)14日發表報告揭露,來自核武廠的放射性物質竟可進入一般垃圾掩埋場,並流入商業回收流程之中。流入一般掩埋場中的放射性物質包括廢金屬、混凝土、器械、瀝青、塑膠、木材、化學物品和泥土等等。


撰寫上述報告的NIRS核廢專案主任達利戈(Diane D'Arrigo)表示:「掩埋場週遭的民眾,一旦得知核武廠的輻射廢料最後是送到這類場所,必定會感到震驚,不管這些輻射廢料是由能源部直接運來,或是透過中間商與處理商。」她指出:「這是不祥之兆,能源部允許並鼓勵出售或捐出部分輻射廢棄物。」


U.S. Allows Radioactive Materials in Ordinary Landfills
TAKOMA PARK, Maryland, May 14, 2007 (ENS)

Radioactive materials from nuclear weapons facilities are being released to regular landfills and could get into commercial recycling streams, finds a report issued today by the nonprofit Nuclear Information and Resource Service, NIRS. Radioactive scrap, concrete, equipment, asphalt, plastic, wood, chemicals, and soil are placed in ordinary landfills, researchers learned.

Contaminated by nuclear bomb production at Department of Energy, DOE, facilities, some of the radioactive waste is processed by state-licensed companies. In some cases it is "redefined" as "special" and then disposed of in regular landfills.

"People around regular trash landfills will be shocked to learn that radioactive contamination from nuclear weapons production is ending up there, either directly released by DOE or via brokers and processors," says lead author Diane D'Arrigo, NIRS' Radioactive Waste Project director.

"Just as ominous," she said, "the DOE allows and encourages sale and donation of some radioactively contaminated materials."

This free release opens up the potential for the materials to enter the recycling stream to make everyday household and personal items or to be used to build roads, schools, and playgrounds.

A copy of the full report, "Out of Control — On Purpose: DOE's Dispersal of Radioactive Waste into Landfills and Consumer Products," is online at: http://www.nirs.org/radwaste/outofcontrol/outofcontrol.htm

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