國際捕鯨協會通過商業捕鯨禁令 | 環境資訊中心



一名日本船員正在量從南海捕獲的小鬚鯨重量。(照片來源: Institute of Cetacean Researc)儘管日本代表主張撤銷捕鯨禁令,國際捕鯨協會(IWC)31日重申,將堅守自1986年開始執行的商業捕鯨禁令。包括日本在內的26個贊成捕鯨國家在議事投票時棄權,保鯨勢力在護鯨戰役中暫時獲勝。





綠色和平組織代表羅騰貝里(Shane Rattenbury)表示,「日本應立刻中止第二期計畫,幾千隻鯨魚不該再無謂犧牲!」

IWC Validates Commercial Whaling Ban, Condemns Japan's Hunt
ANCHORAGE, Alaska, May 31, 2007 (ENS)

The International Whaling Commission today re-authorized the existing moratorium on commercial whaling that has been in place since 1986. A group of 26 pro-whaling nations, including Japan, abstained from the vote, which showed the renewed strength of the whale conservation bloc.

The whale conservation majority of 37 countries adopted a resolution stating that the whaling ban "remains valid," effectively overturning last year's statement by a temporary pro-whaling majority that the moratorium was "no longer required." The vote indicates the renewed strength of the anti-whaling group of nations, observers said today.

A Japanese government delegate said that the result was "expected but regrettable." Japan stopped commercial whaling in line with the 1986 moratorium but has been hunting whales since 1987 for what it calls scientific research purposes.

The non-binding resolution proposed by New Zealand was passed with 40 votes in favor and two against. Again, the group of countries recruited by Japan as allies did not participate in the vote.

Japan's first Antarctic Research Program, JARPA, from 1987 to 2005 killed nearly 6,800 whales.

In 2006, Japan opened JARPA II, which calls for the killing of up to 935 minke whales each year as well as 50 endangered fin whales. Japan plans to add 50 endangered humpbacks this year. It is this whale hunt that has brought Greenpeace and Sea Shepherd Society ships to the Southern Ocean for the past two years in attempts to stop the slaughter. A Sea Shepherd vessel tangled with a Japanese whaler in December, an incident for which each side blames the other.

Greenpeace delegation leader Shane Rattenbury said today, "The JARPA II programme that began two years ago must be immediately ended before thousands more whales die needlessly."



蔡麗伶(LiLing Barricman)

In my healing journey and learning to attain the breath awareness, I become aware of the reality that all the creatures of the world are breathing the same breath. Take action, here and now. From my physical being to the every corner of this out of balance's planet.