增加都市綠地 有助於暖化現象趨緩 | 環境資訊中心

增加都市綠地 有助於暖化現象趨緩


曼徹司特的居民喜歡在綠草地上享受陽光 :: 照片來源:FreeFoto認為全球暖化效應將反映在主要城市中的英國科學家們表示,都市公園與路樹數量的穩定成長,將可抵銷數十年的預期上昇溫度。這些公園與路樹同時也可望有助於降雨的保存,否則降雨將流至小溪、河流,最後回歸到海中。



安諾斯博士(Dr. Roland Ennos)為曼徹斯特大學生命科學院生物力學專家,身兼一研究團隊領導者,其進一步解釋,「綠地可以匯集並儲存水分,效果比人工造景好上許多。當水分從植物與樹木的葉子中蒸發出來時,它可使週遭的空氣降溫,此種方式類似我們人體的排汗作用。」

Building Parks Can Help to Climate Proof Cities
MANCHESTER, England, June 12, 2007 (ENS)

British scientists looking at the effect global warming will have on major cities say a modest increase in the number of urban parks and street trees could offset decades of predicted temperature rises. The parks and trees also would help retain rainwater that otherwise drains away into streams and rivers, eventually returning to the sea.

The University of Manchester study has calculated that a mere 10 percent increase in the amount of green space in built-up centers would reduce urban surface temperatures by as much as four degrees Celsius, or 7.2 degrees Fahrenheit.

This drop in temperature, which is equivalent to the average predicted rise through global warming by the 2080s, is caused by the cooling effect of water as it evaporates into the air from leaves and vegetation through a process called transpiration.

"Green space collects and retains water much better than the built environment," explained Dr. Roland Ennos, a biomechanics expert in Manchester’s Faculty of Life Sciences and a lead researcher in the team. "As this water evaporates from the leaves of plants and trees it cools the surrounding air in a similar way to the cooling effect of perspiration as it evaporates from our skin," he said.



蔡麗伶(LiLing Barricman)

In my healing journey and learning to attain the breath awareness, I become aware of the reality that all the creatures of the world are breathing the same breath. Take action, here and now. From my physical being to the every corner of this out of balance's planet.