人為導致的氣候變遷 改變全球降水模式 | 環境資訊中心

人為導致的氣候變遷 改變全球降水模式


人類活動已經明顯造成過去一個世紀全球降雨模式的改變(資料來源: Freefoto) 氣象學家終於明確偵測到過去一個世紀中,人為造成全球降水模式改變的證據。這些科學家的研究成果將在7月26日出刊的《自然》(Nature)期刊中發表,顯示人類活動已經明顯造成過去一個世紀全球降雨模式的改變。



研究成員之一的東安格里亞大學(University of East Anglia)表示:「這次研究開拓氣候變遷研究的新疆界」。這些科學家們研究大氣中溫室氣體與硫酸鹽氣濃度對於過去一個世紀全球陸地降水的複合效應。 研究顯示,過去一個世紀的氣候紀錄指出,因為溫室氣體與硫酸鹽氣排放,明確地造成全球降水模式的變動。



這些變動可能已經對生態系、農業、及人類健康,造成很明顯的影響,尤其是在一些對於降水變化敏感的地區,例如非洲北部薩赫勒地區(Sahel region,譯註:撒哈拉沙漠和非洲雨林之間的地區),影響更大。有些證據顯示,火山活動等自然因素也在過去一個世紀中對全球降水模式改變扮演重要角色,但其造成的影響遠低於人類活動造成的結果。

Humans Have Shifted Global Precipitation Patterns
NORWICH, UK, July 25, 2007 (ENS)

南非 的Graskop 雨林(資料來源: Lowveld.info) For the first time, climate scientists have clearly detected the human fingerprint on changing global precipitation patterns over the past century. Their study to be published in tomorrow's issue of the journal "Nature" demonstrates that "human activities have contributed significantly to shifts in global precipitation patterns over the past century."

Human-induced changes have not previously been detected in global studies of precipitation, partly because drying in some regions cancels moistening in others, reducing the global signal.

Here the scientists used the patterns of the changes in different latitude bands instead of the global average.

In the study, which the University of East Anglia says "breaks new ground in climate change research," the scientists studied the combined effect that changes in greenhouse gases and sulphate aerosol concentrations in the atmosphere have had on global precipitation over land during the past century.

According to the study, over the past century, climate records indicate there have been sizable shifts in precipitation patterns around the globe as a result of the emission of greenhouse gases and sulphate aerosols..

Looking at average conditions over broad regions of the globe, and comparing them to changes anticipated due to human influence on climate, scientists have determined that human-induced climate change has caused most of the observed increase in precipitation north of 50° latitude, a region that includes Canada, Russia and Europe, as well as in the southern hemisphere.

Human-induced climate change has also made important contributions to the drying observed in a broad region north of the equator that includes Mexico, Central America and northern Africa.

These shifts may have already had significant effects on ecosystems, agriculture and human health, especially in regions that are sensitive to changes in precipitation, such as the Sahel region in northern Africa.

The evidence suggests that natural factors, such as volcanic activity, have also contributed to the changes in global precipitation patterns over the past century, although to a much smaller extent than human activity.

全文及圖片詳見 ENS


蔡麗伶(LiLing Barricman)

In my healing journey and learning to attain the breath awareness, I become aware of the reality that all the creatures of the world are breathing the same breath. Take action, here and now. From my physical being to the every corner of this out of balance's planet.