合法進口活生動物 將美國置於險地 | 環境資訊中心

合法進口活生動物 將美國置於險地


美國允許活體生物進口引發爭議(圖片來源:農委會)進口緬甸蟒作為寵物並放入佛州溼地,牠將會捕食美國的本土物種;2003年從非洲進口的甘比亞巨鼠則帶來了高傳染性的猴痘病毒;而寵物鳥帶來的新城病(Exotic Newcastle disease),將會重重打擊家禽養殖業。

目前對於合法交易活生動物所作過最詳盡的分析,在1日由「野生物保衛者」組織(Defenders of Wildlife)所發表,當中顯示幾近1/7合法進口的外來物種會對本土野生物、人類健康、國內動物造成潛在威脅,有些物種甚至具有多重危險性。



Legal Live Animal Imports Place Americans at Risk
WASHINGTON, DC, August 3, 2007 (ENS)

Burmese pythons imported as pets and released into the Florida Everglades are preying on U.S. native species. Gambian giant rats, imported from Africa in 2003, brought the highly contagious monkeypox virus. Pet birds carry Exotic Newcastle disease, which could devastate the poultry industry.

The most detailed analysis ever done of the legal trade in live animals, released Wednesday by Defenders of Wildlife, shows that nearly one in seven non-native animal species legally imported pose a potential risk to native wildlife, human health or domestic animals, and some species could pose multiple risks.

The group discovered that the federal agencies charged with overseeing live animal imports are failing to take simple, inexpensive steps that could reduce these risks.

"Broken Screens: The Regulation of Live Animal Imports in the United States," details the proactive steps that these federal agencies "could and should take to reduce our risk," said the nonprofit group.

全文及圖片詳見 ENS


蔡麗伶(LiLing Barricman)

In my healing journey and learning to attain the breath awareness, I become aware of the reality that all the creatures of the world are breathing the same breath. Take action, here and now. From my physical being to the every corner of this out of balance's planet.