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看守世界報告:全球耗用資源 歐盟應對美施壓


今夏南希臘大火蔓延的狀況。圖片來源:ENS根據看守世界研究中心最新報告《2007-2008維生徵象》(Vital Signs 2007-2008),從全球耗用紀錄來看,66億人口正將生態系統逼向極限。


《維生徵象》的計畫主持人艾沙杜立安(Erik Assadourian)直言,「想攔截氣候災害?我們所剩時間不多。歐洲和國際社群應針對迫在眉睫的氣候危機,共同對美國執政者施壓。」






  • 2006年,全世界石油使用量是39億噸的石油,石化燃料在2005年釋放出76億噸的二氧化碳,使得大氣中的二氧化碳濃度達到380ppm。
  • 森林被砍伐的數量在2005年創下史上新高。
  • 鋼的產量在2006年增加了10%,達到12.4億噸,而鋁的產量成長至3300萬噸。鋁的製造過程消耗大約3%的全球用電量。
  • 2006年的肉類產量達到2.76億噸(每人43公斤)。
  • 肉類的食用是黃豆需求增加的原因之一,未來20年的南美洲,快速擴張的黃豆種植農地將會取代2200萬公頃的熱帶雨林和草原。
  • 在魚類種類減少的同時,人類的海鮮食用量持續成長。2004年期間,人類食用了1.56億噸的海鮮,是1950年每人食用海鮮平均量的3倍之多。
  • 暖化的氣候漸漸破壞了生物多樣性,棲地加速流失、動物遷徙和植被生長的時間改變,以及某些物種向高緯度及兩極地區遷移都是原因之一。
  • 過去200年來,海洋吸收了一半人類所排放出的二氧化碳,氣候變遷改變了魚群迴游的路線、海平面因而升高、海岸侵蝕更為劇烈、海水酸度隨之提高,重要的營養元素因為潮流的衝撞從深海而升了上來。
  • 2006美國的颶風季相對來說比往年平靜,不過除此之外,全世界在近3年經歷了更頻繁的氣候災難,影響了近1億人。 
Vital Signs: Record Resource Consumption Depletes a Warming World
WASHINGTON, DC, September 14, 2007 (ENS)

Record levels of consumption by a global population that now numbers 6.6 billion people are pushing the limits of ecosystem services upon which all life depends, according to the latest Worldwatch Institute report, "Vital Signs 2007-2008."

The 44 trends tracked in Vital Signs illustrate the urgent need to check consumption of energy and other resources that are contributing to the climate crisis, starting with the largest polluter, the United States, which accounted for over 21 percent of global carbon emissions from fossil fuel burning in 2005.

"The world is running out of time to head off catastrophic climate change, and it is essential that Europe and the rest of the international community bring pressure to bear on U.S. policymakers to address the climate crisis," said Erik Assadourian, Vital Signs project director.

"The United States must be held accountable for its emissions, double the per capita level in Europe, and should follow the EU lead by committing to reducing its total greenhouse gas emissions by 80 percent by 2050," he said.

This summer, the European Union became a deadly example of how the world is being transformed by climate change, with fires in Greece and the Canary Islands, floods in England, and heat waves across the continent.

"With the U.S. Congress preparing to take up far-ranging climate legislation this fall, and with President [George W.] Bush planning to hold an international climate change summit in Washington, now is the time to act," urged Assadourian. "If the U.S. and other nations walk away without concrete plans to implement a binding agreement, the EU should not hesitate to use its diplomatic clout to press the issue."

While U.S. carbon emissions continue to grow, the fastest rise is occurring in Asia, particularly China and India. But without a U.S. commitment to emissions constraints, says Assadourian, persuading China and India to commit to reductions is unlikely.

Some statistics from the Worldwatch Institute report, "Vital Signs 2007-2008."

  • In 2006, the world used 3.9 billion tons of oil. Fossil fuel usage in 2005 produced 7.6 billion tons of carbon emissions, and atmospheric concentrations of carbon dioxide reached 380 parts per million.
  • More wood was removed from forests in 2005 than ever before.
  • Steel production grew 10 percent to a record 1.24 billion tons in 2006, while primary aluminum output increased to a record 33 million tons. Aluminum production accounted for roughly 3 percent of global electricity use.
  • Meat production hit a record 276 million tons (43 kilograms per person) in 2006.
  • Meat consumption is one of several factors driving rising soybean demand. Rapid expansion of soybean plantations in South America could displace 22 million hectares of tropical forest and savanna in the next 20 years.
  • The rise in global seafood consumption comes even as many fish species become scarcer: in 2004, 156 million tons of seafood was eaten, an average of three times as much seafood per person than in 1950.
  • The warming climate is undermining biodiversity by accelerating habitat loss, altering the timing of animal migrations and plant flowerings, and shifting some species toward the poles and to higher altitudes.
  • The oceans have absorbed about half of the carbon dioxide emitted by humans in the last 200 years. Climate change is altering fish migration routes, pushing up sea levels, intensifying coastal erosion, raising ocean acidity, and interfering with currents that move vital nutrients upward from the deep sea.
  • Despite a relatively calm U.S. hurricane season in 2006, the world experienced more weather-related disasters than in any of the previous three years. Nearly 100 million people were affected. 

全文及圖片詳見 ENS


蔡麗伶(LiLing Barricman)

In my healing journey and learning to attain the breath awareness, I become aware of the reality that all the creatures of the world are breathing the same breath. Take action, here and now. From my physical being to the every corner of this out of balance's planet.