面對動物實驗的神話 (中) | 環境資訊中心

面對動物實驗的神話 (中)








兩歲大的小狗在密蘇里州聖路易的市立收容所。在密蘇里州,動物控制事項歸市政府管轄,卻沒有法令禁止「收容所佔有(pound seizure)」陋規。(照片提供:收容動物協會http://www.poundpals.org/)那些寵物所遭受的痛疼及折磨是非常可怕的。我在動物基金會時,曾問過南加大的動物研究實驗室負責人,為何使用動物做為研究對象?他回答說:「因為牠們跟人類是如此地相似。」






Standing up to the Mythology of Animal Research
By Jackie Alan Giuliano, Ph.D.

The most troubling thing we discovered was that although there are guidelines for the care of animals that are used in research facilities, there is little enforcement, either by the U.S. Department of Agriculture, which has that responsibility, or by the administrations of the universities and medical centers with animal experimentation facilities. Animals used to roaming many miles each day, like monkeys, are routinely, to this day, kept in cages in which they can barely turn around.

The powerful animal research lobby was also the major contributor to those guidelines.

The next most troubling myth we tackled was the belief that all animal experiments are resulting in some great leap forward in medical care and treatment of humans with life threatening diseases. During public hearings on the issue, the local research community always brings wheelchair bound people who would state how their lives had been saved by animal experimentation.

We quickly discovered, though, that contrary to widespread public assumptions, the reality is that there is no national program to properly coordinate the research projects that use animals. Hence, duplication of efforts are rampant, and it is not unusual to see 20 or 30 or, in some cases, more than 100 of the exact same experiments being conducted at any time.

There is no requirement that these researchers even speak with one another to compare results. There isn’t even a requirement that their research produce any useable results.

And in the U.S. medical research system, results that do not meet the expectations of the researcher are never published. They are considered failures and discarded, even though such information could be invaluable to others who are studying the same problem.

The pain and suffering endured by these former pets is horrendous. During the Fund for Animals campaign, I asked the head of the animal research laboratory at the University of Southern California why they use animals in their research experiments. “Because they are so much like us,” he replied.

I then asked, “But why, then aren’t the animals afforded even the minimum of consideration for the intense pain and suffering they endure?” He replied, “Because they are not like us.”

Those who experiment on animals want it both ways. It turns out, you can’t have it both ways. (to be continued)


版權歸屬Environment News Service (ENS)


蔡麗伶(LiLing Barricman)

In my healing journey and learning to attain the breath awareness, I become aware of the reality that all the creatures of the world are breathing the same breath. Take action, here and now. From my physical being to the every corner of this out of balance's planet.