飽受氣候變遷威脅 島嶼及高山國家請求付諸行動 | 環境資訊中心

飽受氣候變遷威脅 島嶼及高山國家請求付諸行動


不丹的冰河正縮減消融入湖 (圖片來源:NSIDC)小島地區及高山國家的領袖2日向聯合國大會表示,對於避免氣候變遷所造成的危害,我們實際付出的行動實在太過渺小。在經過一次又一次的波折後,他們認為有需要加強管理措施,來解決全球暖化可能使低窪地區慘遭淹沒,或是全球高山地區融雪及冰川溶化的種種威脅。

印度洋沿岸國家的外交首長沙伊德(Abdulla Shahid)說,馬爾地夫為一個位於低地區的小島國家,地理環境使其深受全球氣候變遷的威脅,而近來由於海平面上升淹沒了該區大部份區域,促使我們必須正視這個問題。



太平洋島國吉里巴斯共和國的岸邊民宅 (圖片提供:Galenfry Singer)


該國公共工程暨公共事業部首長基拉塔(Natanaera Kirata)向聯合國大會表示,在吉里巴斯共和國中,大部分島嶼的高度與平均海平線相比,僅勉強高出2公尺左右,而這也讓全球暖化演變成一項關乎性命安全的重要問題。


Small Island, High Mountain States Plead for Climate Action
NEW YORK, New York, October 3, 2007 (ENS)

Too little is being done to ward off the dangers of climate change, leaders of small island and mountainous countries told the United Nations General Assembly Tuesday. One after another, they called for intensified measures to tackle global warming that threatens to inundate low-lying islands and melt the snow and ice off the world's mountains.

"The Maldives, as a low-lying small island state, is particularly vulnerable to the perils of global climate change, a point brought sharply into focus by the recent sea swells which submerged a large part of the country," said the Indian Ocean nation's Foreign Minister Abdulla Shahid.

Despite many conferences, summits and plans aimed at combating climate change, rhetoric exceeds implementation and "the past 20 years has been an era of missed opportunities," he said.

Underscoring the importance of "collective responsibility" in curbing climate change, Shahid expressed optimism that the upcoming major climate change summit in Bali, Indonesia, in December provides an occasion to make up for lost time.

Kiribati, [pronounced kee-ree-bas] another small island developing state, has been signaling for decades that sea level rise brought on by melting ice caps and glaciers could doom the low-lying country.

Natanaera Kirata, the country's Minister of Public Works and Utilities, told the General Assembly that most of Kiribati's islands are barely two meters above mean sea level, making global warming a crucial security concern.

He called on the international community to adopt a unified response to the challenges posed by climate change and for the issue to receive increased political support and commitment at the UN.



蔡麗伶(LiLing Barricman)

In my healing journey and learning to attain the breath awareness, I become aware of the reality that all the creatures of the world are breathing the same breath. Take action, here and now. From my physical being to the every corner of this out of balance's planet.