身兼此項法令發起人和都市發展與計劃委員會主席的史坦布律克(Peter Steinbrueck)表示:「這是我們地方上為遏止全球暖化努力的里程碑。假如想要減緩溫室效應氣體排放,我們必須開始擔負責任。」
市議員康林(Richard Conlin)指出:「民眾明顯地熱烈支持這項法令。西雅圖民眾了解該是開始為挑戰氣候變遷動起來,並貢獻一己之力的時候了。」
此項法令將於3月31日起生效,將要求市政機構開始為州環境保護法案所涵蓋的各項計畫的排放負責。在市議會的這項行動之後,景郡(King County)行政長官辛斯(Ron Sims)便頒佈行政命令,要求市政機構開始檢視各計劃的溫室氣體排放量。
西雅圖市長尼可斯(Greg Nickels)已使西雅圖市在尋求全球暖化威脅的解決之道上成為先驅。自從尼可斯在2005年發起美國市長氣候保護協議(U.S. Mayors Climate Protection Agreement),全美有672個城市加入西雅圖市的行列,誓言在2012年之前將碳排放量減低至比1990年少7%。此時,全美約有24%的人居住在決定參與行動的城市之中。
9月時,市長尼可斯、其他市府官員、社區與商業領袖,共同發起「西雅圖氣候及時行動」(Seattle Climate Action Now),這是一個鼓勵西雅圖全民在自家、在道路、及街坊上減少全球暖化污染的草根倡議行動。
Today the Seattle City Council unanimously passed landmark legislation committing city agencies responsible for reviewing projects under the State Environmental Protection Act to review those projects for their impact on climate change.
"This is a milestone in our local efforts to stem global warming," said Councilmember Peter Steinbrueck, the legislation's sponsor and chair of the Council's Urban Development and Planning Committee. "If we are to mitigate the impact of greenhouse gas emissions we have to start by accounting for them."
"There is clearly a groundswell of community support," said Councilmember Richard Conlin. "The people of Seattle understand that the time is now to begin moving on doing our part to challenge climate change."
The legislation will take effect on March 31 and will require agencies in the city to begin working toward accounting for emissions in projects that are covered by the State Environmental Protection Act.
The Council's action follows an executive order by King County Executive Ron Sims who ordered county agencies to begin reviewing projects for their emissions.
"This is just the beginning," said Steinbrueck. "Seattle has always been a leader in protecting our environment. This legislation continues with that great tradition."
Seattle Mayor Greg Nickels has worked to make Seattle a leader in the effort to find a solution to the threat of global warming. Since Nickels launched the U.S. Mayors Climate Protection Agreement in 2005, 672 cities across the United States have joined Seattle in pledging to reduce carbon emissions seven percent below 1990 levels by 2012.
Today, about 24 percent of the country's population lives in cities that have decided to take action.
In September, Mayor Nickels, other city officials, community and business leaders launched Seattle Climate Action Now, a grassroots campaign to encourage everyone in Seattle to reduce global warming pollution at home, on the road and in their neighborhoods.
"A lot of people want to do something about global warming, but they aren't sure how or where to start," Nickels said. "Seattle Climate Action Now will bring saving the planet down to earth.