藻類煉油 20年前乏人問津
在1980年前後,美國曾有一批科學家致力研究如何將藻類油脂轉為生質柴油,蒙大拿州立大學的庫克塞教授(Keith Cooksey)正是其中一位。
當時,庫克塞致力從溫泉水中尋找耐熱的藻類,他的實驗室完成了數項研究,並發表於科學期刊,但隨著經費枯竭,研究只能改弦易轍。 庫克塞教授說,「傳聞是有石油業大頭介入,因為他們怕生意被影響。計畫後來就中止了。」
NREL主任亞畢蘇(Dan Arvizu)表示,「NREL為能源部執行水生物種計畫已將近有20年,研究從藻類油脂有效生產燃料的方法,正需要我們獨到的見解。我們的科學家有最先進的工具與經驗,能針對特定品種的藻類,快速增加數量與生產力。」
藻油作生質燃料 前景看俏
庫克塞表示,他的實驗室在80年代就找出增加藻類油脂產量的方法。為了更方便篩選不同油脂量的藻類,他們發明了一種「尼羅紅」(Nile Red)藻類染劑。被染劑處理過後,藻類會在特殊狀況下發出螢光,顯示油脂含量多寡。
吸收工廠CO2 可望立下抗暖化大功
比傳統燃料作物更便宜 科技產業關注
加州聖地牙哥綠星公司(Green Star Products, Inc.)20007年12月宣佈,其藻類生質柴油計畫能以低廉成本封存二氧化碳,得到許多企業青睞。
綠星公司董事長拉斯特亞(Joseph LaStella)解釋,「藻類吃進二氧化碳,轉換成油脂、蛋白質、醣類與其它養分,最後只排出氧氣。養殖藻類可以快速分解二氧化碳氣體,同樣單位面積的藻類,產油量是大豆等一般油料作物的百倍以上。」
綠星正與生科研發公司(Biotech Research, Inc.)合作,在一座現有的生質柴油廠附近,建造40公頃的藻類養殖設備,將利用生質柴油廠排放的二氧化碳餵養藻類,降低溫室氣體排放。養殖所得的藻類油脂,還可經生質柴油廠提煉為生質柴油,他們目前正著手尋找經費與適當地點。
The same slippery brown algae that covers streamside rocks, making footing hazardous for anglers, contains oil that can be turned into diesel fuel, says a Montana State University microbiologist.
Keith Cooksey is one of many U.S. scientists who studied the feasibility of turning algal oil into biodiesel in the 1980s.
From 1978 to 1995 a study to investigate algae as a source of fuel and its ability to consume the greenhouse gas carbon dioxide, CO2, was funded by the U.S. Department of Energy and administered by the National Renewable Energy Laboratory.
Twelve universities participated in the research program, which studied 3,000 strains of algae.
Cooksey specifically searched for thermophilic strains of algae isolated from hot springs. Cooksey's lab made a number of discoveries that were published in scientific journals. Funding dried up, however, and the scientists moved on.
"Rumor had it that big oil got in the way," Cooksey said. "They didn't want competition so the project was dropped."
Now, even big oil is interested in algae.
Chevron Corporation and the National Renewable Energy Laboratory announced in October that they have entered into a collaborative research and development agreement to produce liquid transportation fuels using algae.
Chevron and NREL scientists will collaborate to identify and develop algae strains that can be economically harvested and processed into finished transportation fuels such as jet fuel. Chevron Technology Ventures, a division of Chevron U.S.A. Inc., will fund the initiative.
"NREL operated the Aquatic Species Program for the Department of Energy for nearly 20 years, giving us unique insights into the research required to produce cost-effective fuels from algal oils or lipids. Our scientists have the advanced tools and the experience to rapidly increase the yield and productivity of key species of algae," said NREL Director Dan Arvizu.
"In Chevron we have found an ideal research partner with the skills and knowledge to transform these algal lipids to cost-competitive fuels and to distribute those fuels to consumers," he said.
As little as a year ago most of the energy sector was not aware of the potential of algae. But in the past few months Cooksey has been getting phone calls and e-mails from researchers and others who read about his work with algae on the Internet or had seen it referenced in scientific journals.
Companies tried to hire him as a consultant, and he was invited to attend conferences.
"It's a very strange feeling," said Cooksey, now 72. "You don't usually have people bending your ear on what you did 20 years ago. Science doesn't work that way, but in this case, it did."
Cooksey said his lab in the 1980s figured out how to increase oil production from algae. It developed a system that screened algae for their oil content. Cooksey’s lab developed a stain for algae, called Nile Red. When treated with the stain, the algae became fluorescent under certain conditions, making it easier to measure their oil content.
At the same time, algae technology provides a means for recycling waste carbon dioxide from fossil fuel combustion.
Algal biodiesel is one of the only avenues available for high-volume re-use of CO2 generated in power plants. It is a technology that marries the potential need for carbon disposal in the electric utility industry with the need for clean-burning alternatives to petroleum in the transportation sector.
The DOE program envisioned vast arrays of algae ponds covering acres of land located adjacent to power plants. The bubbling of flue gas from a power plant into these ponds would provide a system for recycling of waste CO2 from the burning of fossil fuels.
Algae grow naturally along rivers, the seashore, and in the mangrove swamps of southern Florida. They also grow in wastewater treatment ponds and can be grown commercially in excavated ponds.
Algae can be grown especially well in desert states that have plenty of sunshine and access to water unusable for traditional agriculture or drinking. Because of its salt content, salt water is more economical than fresh water for growing algae, so southwestern states with saline aquifers might find it easy to grow them.
It is possible to sequester as much as one billion tons of CO2 per year from algae farms in lands not useful for any other purpose in the Southwestern United States alone, the DOE program concluded.
Green Star Products, Inc. of San Diego, California announced in December that its algae-to-biodiesel program has attracted companies that need inexpensive CO2 sequestration.
"Algae eat CO2; convert it to oil, proteins, carbohydrates and other useful products; and, emit only oxygen to our atmosphere," says Green Star president Joseph LaStella.
"Algae farms are glutton eaters of CO2 gas and produce 100 times more oil per acre than traditional oil crops (such as soy oil), which can be converted to biodiesel," LaStella says.
Green Star has partnered with Biotech Research, Inc. to build a 100 acre commercial algae facility adjacent to an existing biodiesel plant and will use the CO2 emitted from the biodiesel plant's boilers to feed the algae, which will reduce global warming emissions.
The algae oil produced from the facility will be turned into biodiesel through the existing biodiesel plant facilities. The partners now are seeking funding and the right location.
LaStella said, "Algae were responsible for creating the Earth's oxygen atmosphere three billion years ago and it took around two billion years to form the modern atmosphere with 20 percent oxygen. Without algae we would not be here. We must ask our micro-size friends to again save us from ourselves."
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