美國魚類及野生動植物機構對紐澤西五月岬(Cape May)市施壓,廢除其已成功實施12年之久的街貓人道誘捕、絕育、就地放養(Trap-Neuter-Return, TNR)計劃;儘管此一作為受到五月岬市長、市府成員與當地居民的抵制。
蘿璸森(Becky Robinson)為全國性的野生及流浪貓保育組織—街貓聯盟之會長,其提出警告,「若美國聯邦政府同意駁回TNR計劃,五月岬市大多數的街貓將被捕捉且殺害。」
由街貓聯盟委託哈利斯互動(Harris Interactive)公司所執行的一項全國調查指出,大多數的美國人反對進行對街貓的捕殺。調查結果顯示,有81%的美國人相信,讓流浪貓在戶外生活直到生命結束,比捕殺牠們要人道的多。
The City of Cape May, N.J. has been pressured by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service to abolish its successful 12-year-old Trap-Neuter-Return program for outdoor cats, despite resistance from the city’s mayor, several city council members and many residents.
If the federal government is allowed to overrule local support for Trap-Neuter-Return, most of the cats in Cape May will be caught and killed,” warned Becky Robinson, president of Alley Cat Allies, the national advocates for feral and stray cats.
Alley Cat Allies is urging supporters nationwide to voice their opposition by signing its online petition at www.alleycat.org.
the help and support of Alley Cat Allies, Cape May was one of the first local governments to implement Trap-Neuter-Return as official policy for outdoor cats – a decision which has proven enormously successful. Cape May’s stray and feral cat population has dropped 80 percent since the program’s inception in the mid-1990s, from around 450 cats to under 100 today. The population continues to decline. Cape May is an important example of the humane management of outdoor cats through low-cost spay/neuter, according to Alley Cat Allies and other local groups.
「The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service is threatening to pull the plug on the beach-sand replenishment program for 2008 if the city will not agree to end its groundbreaking and progressive Trap-Neuter-Return program,” said Robinson, “Such a move would be devastating for the Cape May community, which relies on its beaches to draw tourists each year.」
Local residents and city officials say they are proud of their Trap-Neuter-Return program. If forced to end it, most of the outdoor cats of Cape May will be trapped and killed. Nationwide, over 70 percent of cats entering shelters are killed; for feral cats, this statistic rises to virtually 100 percent.
Most Americans oppose catch-and-kill, according to a national survey recently commissioned by Alley Cat Allies and conducted by Harris Interactive. The survey revealed that 81 percent of Americans believe that leaving a stray cat outside to live out his life is more humane than having the cat caught and killed.
Visit www.alleycat.org to sign the online petition to save the cats of Cape May.
About Alley Cat Allies The mission of Alley Cat Allies is to protect the lives and promote the wellbeing of stray and feral cats.