世界衛生組織:氣候變遷已成人類的最大威脅 | 環境資訊中心



世界衛生組織總幹事陳馮富珍(Dr. Margaret Chan)拜訪位於巴基斯坦的婦女組織。圖片來源:WHO聯合國世界衛生組織(WHO)於1948年4月7日成立,因此將當天訂為世界衛生日。聯合國重要官員於世界衛生日(7日)提出警告,全球暖化使氣溫與海水溫度升高,同時也造成了極端氣候的出現;全球暖化不僅危及地球,也威脅了人類的健康。

世界衛生組織總幹事陳馮富珍(Dr. Margaret Chan)表示,「我簡要地表達我主要關切的部分—氣候變遷危及了人類的健康。」「地球的暖化現象是逐步的,但極端天候,如為數更多的暴風雨、洪水、乾旱與熱浪的產生,卻將是突然且劇烈的。」






聯合國兒童基金會(UN Children's Fund, or UNICEF)執行長威妮曼(Ann Veneman)表示,「每年近100萬名5歲以下的兒童死因,是多數可預先避免的疾病,包括瘧疾與腹瀉,此兩種疾病對於氣溫和降雨的改變相當敏感,若天氣型態改變,將可能成為常態。」



UN: Climate Change Puts Human Health at Risk
GENEVA, Switzerland, April 8, 2008 (ENS)

Bringing a rise in air and sea temperatures and extreme weather patterns, global warming endangers not only the planet but also threatens human health, top United Nations officials warned on Monday - World Health Day - which marks the founding of the UN World Health Organization on April 7, 1948.

"The core concern is succinctly stated - climate change endangers human health," said Dr. Margaret Chan, director-general of the World Health Organization, WHO.

"The warming of the planet will be gradual," she said, "but the effects of extreme weather events - more storms, floods, droughts and heat waves - will be abrupt and acutely felt."

She noted that human beings are already exposed to the effects of climate-sensitive diseases, including malnutrition, which causes over 3.5 million deaths per year, diarrheal diseases, which kill over 1.8 million people a year, and malaria, which kills almost one million people every year.

"Although climate change is a global phenomenon, its consequences will not be evenly distributed," said Dr. Chan. "In short, climate change can affect problems that are already huge, largely concentrated in the developing world, and difficult to control."

Recent events such as the European heat wave in 2003; Hurricane Katrina, which struck the United States in 2005; and cholera epidemics in Bangladesh are just a few examples of what can be expected in the future.

"These trends and events cannot be attributed solely to climate change but they are the types of challenges we expect to become more frequent and intense with climate changes," Chan said. "They will further strain health resources which, in many regions, are already under severe stress."

To address the health effects of climate change, WHO is coordinating and supporting research and assessment on the most effective measures to protect health, particularly for the most vulnerable such as women and children in developing countries.

WHO is advising member states on the changes they must make to their health systems to protect their peoples, and will work with them in the future to develop effective means of adapting to a changing climate and reducing its effects on human health.

"Nearly 10 million children under age five die every year of largely preventable diseases," said Ann Veneman executive director of the UN Children's Fund, or UNICEF. "Many of the main global killers of children - including malaria and diarrhoea - are sensitive to changes in temperature and rainfall, and could become more common if weather patterns change."

Women and children tend to be most affected by hurricanes and flooding, which climate change experts say will increase in intensity and frequency in coming years. The destruction of homes, schools and health centers resulting from natural disasters reduce services available to families.

"The voices of women and children must be heard and their needs assessed as part of the international response to prospective changes to the environment, and they must have access to the knowledge and tools necessary to protect themselves and their communities," UNICEF said.



蔡麗伶(LiLing Barricman)

In my healing journey and learning to attain the breath awareness, I become aware of the reality that all the creatures of the world are breathing the same breath. Take action, here and now. From my physical being to the every corner of this out of balance's planet.