氣候變遷對策 布希仍固步自封 | 環境資訊中心

氣候變遷對策 布希仍固步自封

摘譯自2008年4月16日 ENS 美國,華府報導;楊佳珊編譯;蔡麗伶審校

美國總統布希16日在白宮發表演說(攝影:Noah Robinowitz;照片來源:美國白宮)美總統布希於16日針對氣候變遷發表了一個全新的計畫,呼籲在2025年之前讓美國溫室氣體排放的成長量不再往上攀升;然而儘管布希對這項新計畫充滿信心,但環保人士及民主黨的法律代表卻認為該計畫不夠有力,且根本無法對抗環境變遷。

「事實上,等到2025年才抑制溫室氣體污染的成長量無非是一種認輸的行為,」環境防衛基金會(Environmental Defense Fund) 會長卡洛普(Fred Krupp)表示,「如果想要成功的話,布希就應胸懷大志,設立較遠大的目標。」

另一方面,美國製造商協會(National Association of Manufacturers)主席恩格勒(John Engler)認為,布希提出的2025年之前抑制溫室氣體排放的計畫,非常具有建設性且建立了一套均衡的準則。此外恩格勒說,「製造商希望能在必免犧牲過多的工作機會與經濟成長下,尋求對環境有益的方法來解決氣候變遷的問題。且在抑制溫室氣體釋放的過程中,『科技』應扮演著領導者的角色。」





Bush Climate Speech Covers Familiar Ground
WASHINGTON, DC, April 16, 2008 (ENS)

President George W. Bush today outlined a new climate goal for the United States, calling for the nation to halt the growth of its greenhouse gas emissions by 2025. Bush touted his new climate strategy as ambitious, but environmentalists and Democratic lawmakers criticized the plan as feeble and contend it falls far short of what is needed to fend off climate change.

"Waiting until 2025 to stop the growth of greenhouse gas pollution means, for all practical purposes, admitting defeat," said Environmental Defense Fund President Fred Krupp. "The president needs to set a much bolder goal if we're going to succeed."

On the other hand, National Association of Manufacturers President John Engler said the president "laid out a constructive and balanced set of principles" to curb greenhouse gas emissions by 2025. "Manufacturers seek climate change solutions that offer significant environmental benefits without undue risk to jobs and the economy," he said. "Technology should play a leading role in curbing greenhouse gas emissions."

Climate change has been a thorny issue for Bush, who has questioned climate science and steadfastly opposed mandatory cuts in greenhouse gas emissions despite growing national and international pressure to change course.

Speaking today in the White House Rose Garden, the president held firm to that ground, declining to support mandatory reductions.

Bush covered familiar territory, warning of efforts by Congress and federal regulators to force reductions in greenhouse gas emissions and defending his administration's climate policy.

Bush touted the recent approval of new fuel economy standards, a boost in the renewable fuels mandate, new energy efficiency regulations as well as increased funding for nuclear power, clean coal technology and hydrogen fuel cell research.

He suggested, however, that the nation "has to do more" to cut emissions from power plants and called for these emissions to peak within 10 to 15 years.

"There are a number of ways to achieve these reductions, but all responsible approaches depend on accelerating the development and deployment of new technologies," Bush said.

The president's plan was, however, notably short on specifics and he did not outline a legislative proposal for Congress to consider.

But Bush did address the pressure on federal regulators to use existing laws to curb greenhouse gas emissions.


蔡麗伶(LiLing Barricman)

In my healing journey and learning to attain the breath awareness, I become aware of the reality that all the creatures of the world are breathing the same breath. Take action, here and now. From my physical being to the every corner of this out of balance's planet.