英伊麗莎白女王斥資 投資世界最大風力發電機 | 環境資訊中心

英伊麗莎白女王斥資 投資世界最大風力發電機


位於海岸邊的風力發電機。圖片來源:FreeFoto.com屬於英國伊麗莎白女王的地產公司-英國皇家財產局(The Crown Estate)於21日宣布,伊麗莎白女王投資了世界最大的風力發電機,以及開發蘇格蘭水域的海上風力發電廠。

這項英國的風力發電計畫將由美國加州剪式風能公司(Clipper Windpower)承建,而財產局已於4月17日與其簽署協議,購買該公司的750萬瓦MBE風能發電機,來作為這項世界最大的風力發電計畫的發電機原型。

為了進一步開發英國東北部Blyth海岸的海上發電廠,MBE風能發電機原型將會在Clipper風能公司的卓越中心(Centre of Excellence)組裝並測試;原先該海上發電廠就已設置許多較小型的發電機供電,而大型的MBE發電機預計將於2010年開始運作,屆時製造的電力將售給供電系統,此外MBE發電機估計使用年限為30年,並將製造出相當於100萬桶石油的電力。

財產局於21日在亞伯丁舉辦的總體能源會議(All Energy Conference)中,宣布了蘇格蘭領海內海上風力發電廠發展的程序。其中海洋產業部門的主任哈斯汀(Rob Hastings)在說道,「公開宣布建立蘇格蘭風力發電廠的舉動,清楚展現了財產局要更進一步發展蘇格蘭海上風力發電的承諾。而我們已聽取了相關產業中許多開發者的需求,未來也很樂意與蘇格蘭政府密切合作。」

皇家財產局在英國的海洋產業利益來源包括,英國絕大部分距海岸區12海哩以外的海床及55% 的海岸前濱區域。此外財產局亦有權租賃海床,在從海岸向外延伸200海浬處再生能源區域(Renewable Energy Zone)的大陸棚開發再生能源。

另外,蘇格蘭能源部部長美勒(Jim Mather)在會議中表示,「對蘇格蘭再生能源的發展而言,海上風力發電在未來可能是一個關鍵性的角色。然而在期望能在蘇格蘭周圍海岸適宜的設置更多海上風力發電基的同時,也意味著各處許可證的核發是非常重要的問題。在這塊領域,我們一直以來都和皇家財產局密切合作;因此我很高興看到這個積極正面的海上租賃訊息公佈出來。」

Queen Elizabeth Buys World's Largest Offshore Wind Turbine
ABERDEEN, Scotland, May 22, 2008 (ENS)

Britain's Queen Elizabeth is investing in the world's largest offshore wind turbine and also in the development of offshore windfarms in Scottish waters, her property company The Crown Estate announced on Wednesday.

On April 17, The Crown Estate signed an agreement to purchase a prototype of the world's largest offshore wind turbine, Clipper's 7.5 megawatt MBE turbine. Known as the Britannia project, the turbine will be built by California energy company Clipper Windpower.

The Clipper MBE prototype turbine will be assembled and tested at Clipper's Centre of Excellence for Offshore Wind in Blyth in northeast England, where an offshore windfarm made up of smaller turbines is already generating power.

The giant turbine is to be operational by 2010 and all the power it generates will be sold to the national grid. With a 30 year design life, it will generate electricity equivalent of one million barrels of oil.

At the All Energy Conference in Aberdeen on Wednesday, The Crown Estate announced the procedure for offshore windfarm development within Scottish territorial waters.

Rob Hastings, director of marine estates at The Crown Estate, said in Aberdeen, "This announcement to launch Scottish offshore wind clearly demonstrates The Crown Estate's commitment to facilitating the next phase of offshore wind energy development in Scotland. We have listened to the requests from developers in the industry and are delighted to be working closely with the Scottish government in taking this forward."
The marine interests of The Crown Estate include almost the entire UK territorial seabed out to 12 nautical miles and around 55 percent of the UK's coastal foreshore.

In addition, The Crown Estate has the rights to lease seabed for the generation of renewable energy on the continental shelf within the Renewable Energy Zonewhich extends out to 200 nautical miles.

Speaking at the conference, Energy Minister Jim Mather said, "Offshore wind can play a vital role in Scotland's renewable future. We want to see more offshore turbines in appropriate locations around the Scottish coast, meaning that licenses for individual sites is a key issue. This is an area where we have been working closely with The Crown Estate. So I am delighted about this very positive announcement on offshore leasing."



蔡麗伶(LiLing Barricman)

In my healing journey and learning to attain the breath awareness, I become aware of the reality that all the creatures of the world are breathing the same breath. Take action, here and now. From my physical being to the every corner of this out of balance's planet.