對抗全球飢荒 聯合國要採購小農產品 | 環境資訊中心

對抗全球飢荒 聯合國要採購小農產品


聯合國秘書長潘基文(圖片攝影:Mark Garten)聯合國秘書長潘基文29日在馬尼拉表示:全世界最大的糧食救濟組織,聯合國世界糧食計畫署(WFP)採用新的糧食採購系統,可以更妥善地支持小型農場生產力。






剛果首府戈馬北部村庄的居民躲避軍方與反政府武力的衝突 (圖片攝影:D. Derda-France;圖片來源:WFP) 然而,有時糧食計畫署的工作人員仍無法將救援物資傳遞到飢餓、流離失所的難民手中。例如在查德東部,武裝攻擊迫使救援單位停止對數以萬)的難民進行人道援助。救援工作人員提出警告,除非安全問題獲得改善,否則在該區47萬多名的難民和流徙者都會受到影響。

聯合國紀錄顯示,2008年共發生124起對人道援助單位、工作人員、流徙者和難民的攻擊事件,其中包含劫機和武裝搶劫。有4名人道工作人員遭到殺害,其中一名是英國救助兒童會(Save the Children-UK)負責援助查德的主管。

在剛果民主共和國北基伍省的省府戈馬,也發生民眾恐慌事件。糧食計畫署後勤官夏勒(Peter Shaller)稱基伍省「引人注目地富有,卻也引人注目地暴力和危險」, 10月29日他透過衛星連線表示,部份特別針對聯合國人員和財產的暴力行為,導致人道救援「暫時止步區」的產生,20多萬名流離失所的民眾無法接受援助。

越南Bae Kan地的稻農(圖片來源:nternational Rice Research Institute)夏勒表示:「人員和物資越來越難送抵流離失所的民眾手中。現在外頭的街道比平常異常安靜,人們都很緊張,都在擔心接下來不知道會發生什麼事。」

UN Buys Food From Small Farmers to Combat Global Hunger
MANILA, Philippines, October 29, 2008 (ENS)

The world's largest food relief organization, the United Nations' World Food Programme, has a new system of buying food that better supports the productivity of small farmers, UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon said today in Manila.

In the past, the WFP has purchased food on the international markets, said Ban. But under the new system, WFP will enter into multi-year contracts with small farmers to supply the required foods.

"Multi-year contracts, lasting up to three years long, will give farmers some income security. This will enable them to plan ahead. A steady income stream means farmers can afford fertilizers and better seed varieties, and adopt modern farming techniques," said the secretary-general.

"This will encourage investment in land for long-term use. This will reduce land degradation, and increase agricultural productivity. Slowly but surely, farmers will move from aid dependency to income security, breaking the cycle of rural poverty," he said, calling for "improved market access, better transport, and a truly fair and open trading system in agricultural products."

Speaking at a dinner hosted by President Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo to celebrate the honorary doctorate degree conferred on him by the University of Philippines, Ban called for "fresh thinking, on agriculture and on development in general."

The World Food Programme was busy today, as it is every day, delivering food to the world's worst disaster areas.

The WFP today airlifted 17 tons of high-energy biscuits to assist Yemenis affected by a tropical storm that struck Yemen last Thursday, killing 180 people and sending some 10,000 others fleeing from their homes.
Departing from the UN Humanitarian Response Depot in Dubai, United Arab Emirates, the rations will go to 210 affected households in the eastern town of Mukala.

Exposure to cold weather and access to safe food and water are major health concerns facing the at least 20 000 people displaced by today's magnitude 6.4 earthquake in Pakistan's southwest Baluchistan province.

At least 160 people are feared to have died in the earthquake and the number is expected to rise, with many people missing and feared buried under the rubble of hundreds of homes that have been damaged or destroyed.

Sometimes, World Food Programme workers cannot even reach hungry, displaced people to deliver aid.

Armed attacks have forced aid agencies to suspend humanitarian assistance to thousands of displaced people in eastern Chad. Aid workers warn that unless the security situation improves, more of the some 470,000 refugees and displaced people in the region could be affected.

UN records show that in 2008 there have been 124 attacks on humanitarian staff and on displaced persons and refugees, including carjackings and armed robberies. Four humanitarian workers have been killed, including the country director of Save the Children-UK.

Today in Goma, the capital of what Peter Schaller calls the Democratic Republic of Congo' s "spectacularly rich, yet spectacularly violent and dangerous North Kivu province," people are frightened.

Schaller is the World Food Programme's logistics chief in Goma. He said today by satellite link that violence directed in part against UN personnel and property has now resulted in "temporary no-go zones" for humanitarian deliveries to as many as 200,000 people displaced by the fighting.

"It's getting harder and harder to reach the displaced," Schaller said. "The streets outside are much quieter than usual. People are nervous. They are worried about what might happen next."


蔡麗伶(LiLing Barricman)

In my healing journey and learning to attain the breath awareness, I become aware of the reality that all the creatures of the world are breathing the same breath. Take action, here and now. From my physical being to the every corner of this out of balance's planet.