歐盟環境官員決定:維持基改玉米禁令 | 環境資訊中心



孟山都公司的MON810基改玉米田;圖片來源:WJAC針對奧地利與匈牙利對爭議性基改玉米所制定的種植禁令,歐盟執委會(European Commission)提議強制解除,卻在3月2日遭歐盟環境部長以壓倒性表決駁回。



MON810基改玉米在市面以Yieldgard產品名稱販售,具有抵抗害蟲「歐洲玉米螟」(European corn borer)的能力。

由拜耳作物科學公司(Bayer CropScience)所改造的T25玉米則能夠容忍除草劑「固殺草」(glufosinate)。固殺草原本是瑞典化學質署建議禁止的農藥,但在2009年1月13日得到歐盟議會核准使用。

對於表決的結果,綠黨歐洲議會議員(MEP)盧卡斯(Caroline Lucas)表示,「歐盟環境部長的決定對於環境、農民與消費者都是好消息,也為往後反對基改作物的行動立下良好基礎。」









EU Environment Ministers Keep Bans on Transgenic Maize
BRUSSELS, Belgium, March 2, 2009 (ENS) -

European Union environment ministers today overwhelmingly rejected a European Commission proposal to force Austria and Hungary to lift their bans on the controversial cultivation of varieties of genetically modified maize, or corn.

The first Environment Council under the Czech Presidency was asked to decide on three commission proposals for repealing safeguard clauses by Austria and Hungary on the cultivation of two genetically modified varieties of maize.

Twenty-two of the EU's 27 member states voted to allow Hungary to maintain a ban on Monsanto's GM maize, MON810, and Austria to keep its ban on MON810 and Bayer's T25.

Sold under the trade name Yieldgard, MON810 confers resistance to European corn borer, an insect pest.
Bayer CropScience's modified maize T25 is engineered to tolerate the pesticide glufosinate. Glufosinate was included in a biocide ban proposed by the Swedish Chemicals Agency and approved by the European Parliament on January 13, 2009.

Commenting on the decision, Green MEP Caroline Lucas said, "Today's decision by EU environment ministers is great news for the environment, farmers and consumers - and sets a good precedent for future campaigns against genetically modified crops.

After the end of the EU moratorium on the approval of GM plants, the European Commission began to fight such bans in 2005. The EU environmental ministers, however, have rejected all proposals to lift the prohibitions.

"This is the fourth time EU governments have rejected a commission proposal to force member states to act against the will of their citizens and to allow the cultivation of GM crops," said Lucas. "It is deeply disturbing that the commission continues to try and bulldoze through its pro-GM agenda in spite of public opposition."

In February 2007, the Council of Environment Ministers rejected a commission proposal to repeal Hungary's safeguard clause on this GM maize. Hungary then submitted four studies on the effects of MON810 on the environment which the Commission asked the European Food Safety Authority to assess.

In July 2008, European Food Safety Authority concluded that the studies contained no new data that would justify prohibiting cultivation of MON810 in Hungary.

The Commission therefore resubmitted its proposal to the council for decision. Hungary has since circulated a letter referring to a series of studies that indicate adverse effects of MON810 on the environment in Hungary which it believes justify maintaining the safeguard measure.

Hungary is one of Europe's biggest grain producers. In January 2005, it was the first country in eastern Europe to prohibit the genetically modified maize MON 810, following similar bans on EU-approved GM crops in Austria, France, Germany, Greece and Luxembourg during the years 1995 to 2000.

More votes are yet to come in the Environment Council concerning the bans on GM crops in France and Greece.

According to a Eurobarometer survey of March 2008, in Hungary 70 percent of respondents were against genetically modified organisms; in Austria, 62 percent were opposed; in France 70 percent were opposed, and in Greece 77 percent of respondents said they were against GMOs.

"We hope environment ministers will again step up to the plate," said Lucas. "However, what we really need is a clearly defined European policy on GMOs. This must start with an overhaul of the risk assessment procedure for GM crops, as requested unanimously by all 27 member states in December 2008."


蔡麗伶(LiLing Barricman)

In my healing journey and learning to attain the breath awareness, I become aware of the reality that all the creatures of the world are breathing the same breath. Take action, here and now. From my physical being to the every corner of this out of balance's planet.