The world's first international workshop on non-lethal whale research opened in Sydney today in an effort to counter the Japanese lethal "research" whale hunt that kills hundreds of whales in the Southern Ocean and the North Pacific every year.
Environment Minister Peter Garrett said Australia is taking the lead to better manage the whales of the Southern Ocean and in the process, show the world that scientific research on whales can be done without resorting to lethal measures.
"This is about building the world's most comprehensive whale research partnership with countries interested in developing an agreed scientific approach to research � one that doesn't involve killing whales," Garrett said at the opening session.
Garrett envisions the new Southern Ocean Research Partnership as the first in a system of regional research partnerships that will counteract the bitter split in the International Whaling Commission between the whaling nations and the whale conservation nations that has stalled the work of the commission for years.
"This week, 13 nations with a common interest in the Southern Ocean will work with scientists and specialists on an agreed approach to take us to a future where conservation of whales is the focus of science. "This is an opportunity for us all to examine current Southern Ocean research efforts, discuss research priorities, identify knowledge gaps, and map out how to build a scientific research program based on non-lethal methods," Garrett said.
The partner nations will use modern research technologies such as genetic and molecular techniques, satellite tagging, acoustic surveys and aerial surveying of cetacean populations.
"By the end of the week, we hope to have a draft five-year plan to present at the International Whaling Commission when it next meets in Portugal this June," he said.
Countries from four continents are participating in this week's workshop at the Australian National Maritime Museum in Darling Harbour - Australia, Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Costa Rica, France, Germany, Italy, Mexico, New Zealand, Peru, South Africa, and the United States.
Australia has committed more than A$14 million to develop and lead the Southern Ocean Research Partnership and to ensure it has sufficient support, in the form of research platforms, scientists and equipment, to continue to at least until 2013-2014.
Garrett said Australia will make a one-time contribution of A$500,000 to the International Whaling Commission to establish a Southern Ocean Research Partnership Fund, to be administered by the IWC.
This fund will allow other countries to directly support and take part in the Southern Ocean Research Partnership and will be open to voluntary contributions from all IWC member nations.