綠色體育聯盟 跨項目6職業球隊共同發起 | 環境資訊中心

綠色體育聯盟 跨項目6職業球隊共同發起


西雅圖的Safeco棒球場。圖片來自:維基百科。來自美加國境兩地的6個職業球隊,其聯盟和體育場館,於3月21日聚集在西雅圖的薩菲口(Safeco Field)棒球場,啓動非營利的綠色體育聯盟。活動目標旨在鼓勵所有職業體育聯盟、隊伍和場館減少對環境造成的負擔。



這些團隊、聯盟和場館與美國環保署的自然資源保護委員會(NRDC)、博那維爾環境基金會(Bonneville Environmental Foundation)和波特蘭州立大學在個自綠化行動的努力基礎上共同合作。


擔任NRDC資深科學家,也是職業體育環境顧問的艾倫·赫氏窛委玆(Allen Hershkowitz)表示:「來自該6個聯盟的6個職業團隊,用有意義的和公開的方式,以提高他們在環保方面的影響力,在職業體育的歷史上劃下分水嶺。此類型的跨聯盟合作是前所未見的。所有職業聯盟應該起而效仿。」

全國曲棍球聯盟專員蓋瑞·貝特曼(Gary Bettman)表示:「全國曲棍球聯盟大力支持溫哥華加人隊的綠化行動。像這類的行動為使職業球隊更趨綠化帶來希望。」

總部設在俄勒岡州波特蘭的綠色體育聯盟,將在其執行主任馬丁蒂尤爾(Martin Tull)領導下,舉辦一場綠色運動首腦會議。屆時場館管理者、活動製作人、市場總監事件與環境領域的領導者,將針對最佳做法進行交流,並討論各個團隊所面臨的契機和挑戰。

首屆綠色運動首腦會議訂於 2011年8月在波特蘭舉行。

Pro Teams Kick Off Nonprofit Green Sports Alliance
SEATTLE, Washington, March 22, 2011 (ENS)

Six professional sports teams, their leagues and sports venues on both sides of the U.S.-Canada border gathered Monday at Seattle's Safeco Field to launch the nonprofit Green Sports Alliance. Their goal is to encourage all professional sports leagues, teams and facilities to reduce their impact on the environment.

Founding members of the Green Sports Alliance include the Seattle Mariners baseball team, the Seattle Seahawks football team, the Portland Trail Blazers basketball team, the Vancouver Canucks hockey team, the Seattle Storm women's basketball team and the Seattle Sounders soccer team.

This is the first time that teams from Major League Baseball, the National Football League, the National Hockey League, the National Basketball Association, the Women's National Basketball Association and Major League Soccer have collaborated on a common environmental agenda.

These teams, leagues and facilities all are partnering with the Natural Resources Defense Council the U.S. EPA, the Bonneville Environmental Foundation and Portland State University to build on individual greening initiatives by working together.

The idea of forming an inter-league alliance focused on environmental stewardship was originally conceived and initiated by representatives of Paul G. Allen's sports teams and the Natural Resources Defense Council in the fall of 2009. Allen owns the Seattle Seahawks and Portland Trail Blazers and is co-owner of the Seattle Sounders FC.

"The commitment by these six professional teams, from six different leagues, to enhance their environmental profile in a meaningful and public way marks a watershed in the history of professional sports," said Allen Hershkowitz, senior scientist with NRDC and environmental advisor for professional sports. "This type of inter-league collaboration is unprecedented. All professional leagues should follow their lead."

The NHL strongly supports the greening efforts of the Vancouver Canucks," said NHL Commissioner Gary Bettman. "This effort holds the promise of even further greening of professional sports."

Headquartered in Portland, Oregon and led by Executive Director Martin Tull, the Green Sports Alliance will host a conference, the Green Sports Summit, which will gather facility managers, event producers and marketing directors with environmental leaders to share best practices and discuss opportunities and challenges the teams face.

The inaugural Green Sports Summit is scheduled for August 2011 in Portland.



蔡麗伶(LiLing Barricman)

In my healing journey and learning to attain the breath awareness, I become aware of the reality that all the creatures of the world are breathing the same breath. Take action, here and now. From my physical being to the every corner of this out of balance's planet.