印度主辦世界環境日 森林議題成焦點 | 環境資訊中心

印度主辦世界環境日 森林議題成焦點


世界環境日的環境研討會。左起:聯合國駐印度協調員白利特(Patrice Couer Bizot),環境與森林部長雷米許(Jairam Ramesh),UNEP執行主任施泰納(Achim Steiner)。圖片來自:印度環境和森林部。今年6月5日的聯合國世界環境日活動由印度所主辦,這是印度首次主辦環境日的活動。在擴及全印度為期一週的活動中,包含了步行籌款(walkathons)、植樹、綠色市集、電影與藝術活動,並舉行了表揚婦女在環境保護角色的研討會。


印度的環境與森林部長雷米許(Shri Jairam Ramesh)在新德里主持了一場為期一天的研討會:「自然與生活:婦女的觀點」,他說,「森林保育對於國家的永續發展與綠色經濟至關重要」,並補充說,「婦女在森林保育中,具有關鍵性的地位。」

聯合國環境署(UNEP)執行主任施泰納(Achim Steiner)以及聯合國駐印度協調員白利特(Patrice Couer Bizot)指出,要以全球角度來看環境問題,並且讚揚印度基層女性領袖在環境意識與森林保育方面的成就。




2011年6月5日環境部長雷米許揮舞旗幟,為世界環境日步行募款揭開序幕。圖片來自:印度環境和森林部。新德里的綠色市集,或稱綠帽子(Green Haat)吸引了超過50個參展商,除了展示森林居民的理念,還有小型的森林產品生產團體,婦女自助團體以及非政府組織的合作夥伴。雷米許宣布,綠色市集將成為定期的活動。





在杜拜,當地市政府與阿拉伯環境中心(ECAT)以及松下中東分公司合作,在6月5日的2011世界環境日,種下了大約150株牧豆樹(ghaf tree)。


至於世界的其他地方,國際鳥盟在其網站上新增了一個名為「希望的森林(Forests of Hope)」網頁,表明該組織的新措施。該計畫旨在防止森林砍伐或重建天然林,於2015年以前,將涵蓋超過20處,總面積達5百萬公頃的熱帶森林。

Focus on Forests as India Hosts World Environment Day
NEW DELHI, India, June 5, 2011 (ENS)

India for the first time this year served as global host of the United Nations' World Environment Day June 5, marking the occasion with a week-long series of events across the country - walkathons, treeplanting and a green marketplace, films and art, and a seminar honoring the role of women in environmental protection.

The events all had a forest theme in keeping with this International Year of Forests.

India's Environment and Forests Minister Shri Jairam Ramesh chaired a one day seminar on "Nature and Livelihood: Women's Perspective" in New Delhi. He sadi, "Conservation of forests is crucial for sustainable development and green economy of the country," and added that women are "crucial" for forest conservation.

UNEP Executive Director Achim Steiner and UN Resident Co-ordinator for India Patrice Couer Bizot highlighted the environmental concerns in the global perspective and praised the initiatives of women leaders at grassroots level in India in environmental awareness and forest conservation.

Investing an additional $40 billion in the forestry sector each year could halve deforestation, create millions of new jobs and help tackle the devastating effects of climate change, the report finds.

The number of trees planted could rise by 140 percent by 2050 and as many as 30 million new jobs could be created by that same year.

Steiner said forestry is one of the key sectors capable of helping the world transition to a 'green economy' model that is resource-efficient and low in its use of carbon.

A green market, or Green Haat, in New Delhi attracted more than 50 exhibitors, showcasing the initiatives of forest dwellers, minority forest produce federations, women's self-help groups, and NGO partners. Ramesh declared that this green marketplace will now be a regular event.

A biodiversity film festival was organized in partnership with the Centre for Media Studies in New Delhi. From June 1-4, the festival screened more than 20 films on biodiversity from eminent national and international film makers.

To create awareness among children, a painting competition took place today at Delhi Zoo.

Ramesh administered a pledge for "saving our environment" and waved a flag to start a Green Walkathon from India Gate, New Delhi with about 1,000 participants from all sections of the society.

A workshop on Emerging issues in Wildlife Conservation was organized by the Wildlife Institute of India at the northern city of Dehradun.

In Dubai, about 150 ghaf trees were planted in Mushrif Park Sunday to mark World Environment Day 2011 by Dubai Municipality, in cooperation with the Environmental Centre for Arab Towns and Panasonic Middle East.

Models presented garments recycled from old clothes during a fashion show for World Environment Day in Seoul, South Korea on June 1.

Elsewhere around the world BirdLife International launched a new section of its website to highlight the organization's new initiative, BirdLife's Forests of Hope. The program aims to prevent deforestation or promote restoration of natural forest at up to 20 sites covering at least five million hectares of tropical forest by 2015.



蔡麗伶(LiLing Barricman)

In my healing journey and learning to attain the breath awareness, I become aware of the reality that all the creatures of the world are breathing the same breath. Take action, here and now. From my physical being to the every corner of this out of balance's planet.